The 7 Wine Bar

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This was pretty much the last place on Earth Kuro expected to end up.

It seemed designed to give him a headache. The area was filled with bright purple and pink neon lights, and some trashy pop song was blaring in the background... and there people everywhere Kuro looked... dancing... laughing... shouting... getting drunk...

"Jeez... are you sure he wasn't just messing with us...?"

"Concordance isn't the type to mess with people," Mahiru replied looking at his eve. "I'm surprised Time's hanging around here too..."

Kuro sighed and drew his hood over his ears and muttered, "What a pain..."

A hand on his shoulder made him jump several miles.

"Sorry," Mahiru apologized- it was just his servamp. His crimson eyes were sympathetic and warm. "Didn't mean to startle you. Once we find Time I'll get us a quieter room okay?"

Kuro nodded.

It had to be the most uncomfortable search of Kuro's life. He wasn't sure what Mahiru was doing- all he knew was as they moved around the room he stuck to him like glue. Occasionally a drunk girl or guy would try to talk or touch him, but a snarl or shove from Mahiru and they were gone.


A bright cheerful voice popped up behind the counter. Its owner was a blond man with a pink lily in his poofy hair. He wore a pink coat that slipped off his shoulder to reveal a light pink button-up and red gloves. His blue eyes were welcoming.

"You look uneasy there sweetie~" the man observed, leaning closer to Kuro. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong? I'm happy to help in any way I can~"

Kuro drew back. He couldn't read this man he wasn't sure why he was leaning in so close everything was too loud and troublesome-


Mahiru had stepped in, pushing Kuro behind him, glaring at the man with a look that could kill.

"Ever heard of personal space?"

The man stayed frozen for a few moments, blue eyes darting between Mahiru's crimson eyes and fangs. Kuro unconsciously drew closer to Mahiru, hiding in his servamp's body as he mumbled, "What a pain..."

The man smiled and replied, "Ah haha... my apologies. I think I know how I can help you now."

Before Kuro or Mahiru could ask, he clinked 2 glasses together, causing Kuro to flinch at the sudden noise. The man sang, "Oh Misono~"

It took awhile but eventually a short boy with purple hair approached. He was dressed in an uniform-like purple shirt and dark purple pants. His black coat was unbuttoned but properly put on. He had wide but stern crimson eyes and fangs.

He looked the pair up and down shrewdly and asked, "Malleable?"

"Time!! Let's talk outside okay?" Mahiru suggested, though it was more of a statement as he was already herding Kuro out. "And thank you for helping us bartender-san!!"

"Happy to help~ please come again~!"

Kuro heaved the hugest sigh of relief as the music and lights faded in the background.


Mahiru offered him a water bottle.

"...when did you steal that?"

"I DI- sorry I forgot. No shouting," Mahiru hastily corrected when Kuro flinched. "And I didn't steal this idiot- paid for it fair and square before the bartender that helped us popped up. Have a drink it'll help."

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