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It was weird to see what their local park looked like at midnight. The lighting made all the difference in the world as well as the utter lack of passer-bys walking down the paths or chatting on the grass.

At least this meant they didn't have to explain why one of them was holding a rapier and the other bands that made it look like he had claws growing out of his knuckles.

"Woo!" Hyde exclaimed excitedly, dancing around in a surprisingly skillful way- Kuro wasn't sure if it was acting school or training. "Look at me Nii-san! I'm Hamlet!"

"...doesn't he die?"

"Nii-san~! You're no fun! My point was I'm an excellent swordsman!" Hyde pouted, but soon began twirling excitedly again. "I feel like I'm in a Shakespearan duel! I think I should get some applause!"

Kuro gave a half-hearted cheer.

"Jeez! I'll just applaud myself!" Hyde declared. A bouquet of dark blue roses appeared in front of Hyde, and he smiled bowing. "Thank you! Thank you- you're too kind!"

Kuro chuckled at his brother's antics and looked at his own second lead- an apparently ordinary orange and black backpack. Everyone had been really confused until Hyde had suggested maybe the lead was something inside the bag and reached in.

He'd nearly fallen into the void that was apparently inside in the bag.

Thankfully while Kuro and Hyde had been panicking Mahiru and Licht had grabbed Hyde's ankle and the bag, pulling him to safety. After throwing in some rocks, twigs and a crushed soda can inside they'd figured out this was like a video game inventory- it could hold a stupid amount of things, all Kuro needed to do was hold a hand over it and call for the item.


His face still kinda hurt from a rock missing his hand and hitting his face.

"Okay guys!"

Mahiru and Licht had been watching the brothers get used to their leads, but now Mahiru clapped his hands and stood up- Licht stayed seated, closing his eyes as if bored or tired.

"We should test if you can fight with them," Mahiru explained. "I'll duel each of you in turn- use your lead to fend me off. Kuro, you're up first."

Kuro sighed and half-muttered, half-protested, "Such a pain... do I really have to do this...? It's sounds like so much trouble..."

"Well it's better to find out now than to find out in the middle of battle isn't it?!" Mahiru snapped, irked by his lack of enthusiasm. "Lazy!"

"Go Nii-san!" Hyde cheered. "You can do this, I believe in you!"

Kuro rolled his eyes at his brother, but readied himself, taking a fighting stance and looking at Mahiru.

"Ready when you are."

"...you're letting me go first?"

"Uh... yeah? I guess?"

Kuro muttered "such a pain" under his breath and lunged for him.

Mahiru dodged easily. As the fight went on, Mahiru started to play less defense and more offense, though he was always careful to hold back so as not to injure his eve. He had to admit he was surprised and maybe overestimated on how much he really needed to hold back- he had seen Kuro's reflexes before when they'd met Sakuya, but even with that knowledge he noticed Kuro was faster and stronger than he'd expected, especially as the fight continued.

Still Kuro wasn't perfect, and Mahiru soon saw an opening. He went for it with his spear, intending to simply tap Kuro on the side with enough force to unbalance him.

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