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My older sister Natalia wanted me to go over to the Kramer house her bfs was Jodi, Natalia told me she had an Younger brother name Mitch. Mitch Kramer. I never met him before because I am homeschooled I've been homeschooled since the 5th grade.

Anyway I was getting dressed ( what ever u want to wear) putting on my usual makeup routine, I was almost done Intell I hear my sister shout "Y/NNN!!! ARE U DONE GETTING READY HURRY UP LETS GO." " YEAH HOLD ON IM ALMOST DONE" after a minute or two I finish and hurry to put my stuff away. I run downstairs.

"Finally you finished u took ages I could be 40 already", " oh bo ho" A couple minutes later we arrived At the house Natalia nocked on the door and Jodi opens it. " Heyy Jodi baee", " Heyy Natalia baee" "Come inside"( no homo), me and Natalia go inside the house and sit on the couch they were talking To each other and the next thing I hear is Jodi yell.

"MITCH COME OVER HERE I WANT U TO MEET SOMEONE " Next thing you now a boy walking into the living room. " "Mitch I will like you to meet y/n this is Natalia little sister" Jodi told Mitch. " Nice to meet u y/n", " nice to meet you to".

" your thoughts "

Damn He's fine I did not expect Him to be fine Omg.

" Mitch thoughts "

Dang she Cute, Man

" no one pov"

"Mitch you and y/n can go hang out, I mean if she wants to". " okay u wanna hang y/n"?. " Yea sure i guess ", They go outside and talk about random stuff, " how come I've never seen you at school before "? Mitch question with a confused face, " I'm actually homeschooled I've been homeschooled ever since I was in the 5th grade. but I'm going to start attend school when next semester comes up ". " don't you ever get bored during homeschooled? I mean like do you have any friends"? " Yeah I ofc I get bored and I don't have any friends I used to but I stopped because I was always left out ".

" oh. well we're friends know so you have one ".
" I mean yeah if you want to "
" thanks ".

" not part of the story '

I don't know if I should continue writing this story or not .

word count: 398

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