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hey everyone please tell me if u like the story so far because if y'all don't their no point of writing....

After a couple minutes of walking with Mitch getting to know each other more. when we were talking about random stuff a car pulls up out of nowhere. " Hey Mitch u wanna ride"? The guy in the driver seat said. " Yeah man sure, thanks, Come on y/n", " um no I think I'm good, I'm probably just gonna head back ". I didn't want to get in a random car with random people I mean can u blame me?.

" come on y/n trust me you'll be fine, these are my friends they cool, Right guys?" They all said yeah. "Fuck it why not". I got in the car and sat by Mitch, and they started the car and drives. " So we're are we going" Mitch askes his friends. " idk man where ever honestly were just chilling driving around thinking what we wanna do or go, Any suggestions?'.

" I GOT AN IDEA" The guy in the passenger sit yells " You guys wanna get drunk and egg someone house, it's night no one will see us come on guys". " idk man" the driver guy said "come on it will be fun right Mitch?" " yeah Come on Kevin ". "Your name Kevin?" I questioned the guy driving. " Oh yes we never introduced our selfs, yeah my name Kevin nice to meet you y/n". "nice to meet u to".

The guy in the passenger seat looks back at me. " I'm Don, nice to finally meet Mitch girlfriend". My face got heated it felt like I was turing red but ignored the comment, then the other guy sitting next to Mitch " I'm Randall 'Pink' Floyd but u can just call me pink" he smiled.

" SOOOO You down to get drunk and egg someone house or not " Don says waiting for an answer " I'm down " I said Then everyone agreed to it and waiting for Kevin answer " Fine fuck it I'm down" they all yelled YEAHH!!!, so we started to drive to a liquor store.

Word count:353

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