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We were walking to ( favorite food place). It was quite not and quweird quite. A peaceful one . A peaceful Walk in the night.  I glaced at him for a moment then looked away.

We arrived at the place and ordered . We decided to eat outside I mean why not it's a perfect night. After a couple minutes of wait for our food we finally got it want went outside and walked back to the park it wasn't far. As we got their we sat down on the grass and put the food down and enjoy our meal.

"You're fun to hang out with". Mitch breaks the silence

" You to " and I smiled

"You know your friends are wild. I like them a lot their good friends "

" Tell me about it at least with them you'll never get bored " he chuckles

His chuckle was a lil too cute. I say in my head

After we're done eating.

We sit their for a little bit to relax our stomach. After a while I decided to go walk to the swings and swing. As Mitch followed.

I sit on the swing, swinging intell I felt a push I look back and see him pushing me. He's to cute for my own good...

"Wanna race on the swings to see who goes higher" I questioned

" Unless you're too afraid you're gonna lose " as I mock him.

" Oh your on"

I won the challenge ofc. And know me and him are playing tag. Just the two of us. For the rest of the night we hung out with each other made some trouble and went to explore Abandoned areas intell we had to go back to his house. The sun was coming up and we made it to the house and went to go shower and change.

" You know sleep in my room, your not gonna sleep in the living room"

" Fine "

As I go into his room and lay down on his bed fawling asleep while Mitch went to go shower.

Mitch Kramer x reader Where stories live. Discover now