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( Mitch pov)

It's been 4 months since me and y/n became friends and she even goes to school with me know. Mostly everyday we hang out with each other and just do some dumb ass stuff. 

I've had a crush on her for awhile but I'm just waiting to get the courage to tell her and wait for the right time. But for know we are just friends.

I was in my room laying down doing nothing I was going to go to y/n house but she's on a trip with her family for 2 weeks. I sighed out of boredness I didn't realize how much joy she gave me. I miss her.

I decided to get out my bed and go outside to Walk around not having a Pacific location of where to go. I just walked. Without y/n the world looks sad. When I was walking I saw pink by himself. I walk over to him.

" Hey man"

" Hey Mitch"

" So wyd"

"Nothing really wbu"

" Same, Hey wanna get some beer?"

" Sure, so how's highschool doing for you, got a girl yet?"

*We start walking to the store*

" Highschool good man everything good, nah I don't got a girl yet but I am looking at someone "

" Who?"

"y/n actually

" I NEW IT, I NEW YOU LIKED HER, so did u ask her out yet" as he Nugged my shoulder.

" Nah not yet"

" Oh come on don't be a wuss"

We made it to the store

" I'll get it just wait here" as pink walks in, as I just stand outside.

A few moments later he walks out with beer and hands me one.

" Thanks man"

"Np, so why don't u just ask her out you wussy"

" Ok then tell me how to do it, she's gone for 2 weeks with her family "

" Well then we got to weeks to practice to ask her out".

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