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I'm deciding to maybe finish the story but idk.

They were driving to the liquor store and when we finally arrived we got out the car. " I'll go get the beer wait hear " Mitch told everyone. so we all got back into the car waiting for him.

After a while he came back with the beers and and egg cart. I forgot that Don wanted to egg house. Mitch put them in the truck except for the eggs and went into the car. We were thinking what neighborhood to go to and decided to go to " hay way " ( not a real neighborhood I think).

we were getting close to the neighborhood we started to get the eggs ready. " Ok throw on my count" pink says " 1, 2, 3!!! " he yelled and started to egg while Kevin was driving. After we all ran out of eggs we went to the park to drink the beers Mitch got us.

At the park we sat down on the grass the guys being weird having fun and Mitch sitting next to me drinking deer laughing at how dumb they look " Come on guy get up have fun with us " Don said dancing to the music on a boom box that was in Kevin car . we looked at each other and Mitch got up and helped me up off the ground.

We all started dancing just having fun being dumb drinking beer. so much has happened in one day I wonder what Natalia and Jodi are doing. when I was thinking just standing their someone picked me up I was startled a little realizing who picked me up.

MITCH FUCKING KRAMER he picked me up and started spinning me around and the others laughing at us saying we would look cute together I just smiled being dizzy Mitch got dizzy to and fell down bringing me along with him making me fall on top of him.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion the sprinklers turning on I tried to look at Mitch dizzy and surprised at the same time when the dizziness stopped i looked at Mitch he flipped me over know I'm on the ground and Mitch on top of me he was looking in my eyes and so was I.

He was leaning in and I started to look at his lips and so was he next u you know he kissed me....... MITCH.....KRAMER......KISSED..... ME. of course I kissed back it lasted a minute Intell we heard OOOOOOO'S Coming from everyone walking twords us we stopped and looked at them.

I know it's weird we kissed cuz we just meet today but he's cute so who cares. I'm not gonna date him yet imma give that time .

Word count: 461

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