ᴾᴿᴼᴸᴼᴳᵁᴱ ᴾᴬᴿᵀ ²

465 20 11

TW:  Weapon / Smut / Language


I hate the bastard tears that've escaped. I feel too raw and vulnerable. I can't help but I love the warmth of his skin. How long has it been since someone's touched me with kindness and looked at me with desire? I need this. I need to be held, if only for a little while. His thumb brushes my bottom lip and I instantly part them for him. He can hold me for a moment. I can pretend it's more. I can pretend he really wants me. I can pretend I need him.

Fuck, he's so damn perfect. He's leaning into me like he really wants me. Like he needs me. He radiates sweet innocence, but there's something more about him, something I can't quite put my fingers on. A sting of loneliness pulses through me. I was playing with the thought of having him on his knees in exchange for payment. But I want more. I want him to fucking love what I do to him. I'll make him want me when it's over. A coldness sweeps through me. Men always act like they want me after, but it's the money they want, not me. A sad smirk plays at my lips as he licks my thumb and massages the underside with his hot tongue. Fuck, I'll take it. If he only wants me for money, I'll take it. I feel a burning need to keep him.

My brows creases with anger at my thoughts. My fucking heart is turning me into al little bitch. "Strip. Now." My words come out hard, making him take a hesitant step back as I pull my thumb from his lips. I instantly regret being the fucking asshole I am. But I can't take it back. I turn my back to him, to lock the door. I slip the gun out from under my belt and easily hide it from his sight to set it down on the table by the door. God knows what he'd think if he got a look at it.

My body flinches as the hard sound of the door locking echoes through the room. He moves with power and confidence, his gaze like one of a predator. I swallow my pride and slip off my cardigan. I don't need pride and self-respect right now; I need a man to desire me. The thought and his hungry eyes on me have me peeling off my pants without hesitation. I don't care if this a payment or if he's just using the interest as an excuse to fuck me; I want this. Or at least I want him.

As I reach to open the button from my shirt, he reaches for me from behind, wrapping his strong arms around my body and molding his hard chest to mine. His lips crush on my neck. He moves from my neck to my lips and I part them for his hot tongue to taste me. He kisses me with passion and need. His hard dick pushes into my ass. The feeling makes my member hard and twitched. Yes. The tears stop, but my chest is still in agony. Make it go away, please. Take my pain.

He fucking needs me, I can feel it. And God damn I need him too. I don't even hesitate to unleash my rigid cock from my pants. I ripped his shorts down, easily shredding them and tossing them to the floor. I squeeze his lush ass in my hands, pulling his body to mine. I slam him against the wall, keeping my lips to him the entire time. I need to be inside him now. I line my dick up with his hot entrance rubbing my head between his ass. I hold my fingers in front of his lips. He takes them in his mouth and sucks on them as if there would be no tomorrow. With lust-veiled eyes he looks at me. He moves his head up and down as if he would suck my cock. My length jerks up and I suppress a moan. I release my fingers from his mouth and kiss him. My fingers move to his ass and rub over his hot entrance. His hole twitches with desire. With my first finger I penetrate him. He claws at my shoulders and puts his head in neck. Very slowly I move my finger and bend it a little. He moans and presses his ass against my finger. I added my second finger and suck myself to his neck. I pause briefly so that he can get used to my fingers. Slowly he moves his ass. I kiss him from neck up to his ear and nibble on it. With my fingers I fuck him very quickly and push after a short time with three in him. He moans silently and rubs his member against my thigh. A little drool runs out of his mouth and there is a sharp cry. I massage his prostate a little and kiss him again. Slowly my fingers slide out of his hole. I turn him around and position my member in front of his hot twitching entrance. He leans against the wall and rubs against me. Without thinking further, I ram myself into him. With my right hand I hold his wrists above his head and with the left I reach into his waist. His cheek is pressed against the wall and I can see tears forming with pleasure.

Dirty Minho ~ MinSung (Part.1)Where stories live. Discover now