The Premiere

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You woke at 9am ready for The Premiere of the Elvis movie. Your in Cannes,France for your first ever movie premiere nerves are filling your body, Ever since your first day on set Austin Butler had made you fall in love with him, you did a few scenes with him and was on set for half the time that he was but you had created an amazing chemistry and your grateful that you can call him a friend but you didn't want to just be that, Today would be your first time seeing him since then and you would he attending the premiere with him,Perrie and Leigh. The girls new how much you adored him, You felt as if you were behind on Love. Your best friends were in 4 year long relationships and you hadn't had one since your Glory Days Era. Anyway you got up and waited for your stylists to arrive to help you get ready.
You have a Black dress on with your hair in a high ponytail, You hear a knock on the door and open it too see austin stood there in a full black suit he smiles and hugs you.
"Hey ell!" he smiled
"Hey aus, im so nervous" you said pulling away from the hug
"don't be! You look Beautiful you'll be fine"
you smiled at him and finished getting ready then you left and met the girls in the lobby.

You arrived at the premiere hand in hand with Austin smiling and posing for the camera the girls went on inside to wait for you so you could have your moment while Austin went off to talk to interviewers, You posed for more photos the walk in with Austin. you were sat next to austin for the premiere.It was your first scene, you began bouncing you leg as anxiety filled your body austin placed his hand on your knee and gave you a gentle smile, as
the scene ended you heard a whisper in your ear saying "Ellie you did great" you looked at Austin and smiled.The movie finished and you turned to hug Austin " You did him proud aus" he smiled at you and you left with the girls.

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