Chapter 1: Brainstorm with Rainestorm

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Some informations on this story:
- All (older) students of Hexside live in dorms
- Eda and Raine are teens (around 16-17)
- thoughts are displayed by —> '...'
- English isn't my native language so please excuse any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors 🙇🏼‍♀️

That being said, let's get started 👏🏻


Walking through the corridors of the mixed dormitories of Hexside, Edalyn Clawthorne hummed a tune. As usual she was in a good mood because her destination was no other than her best friend's dorm room.

She stopped in front of room 541. The whiteboard hanging outside of the room spelled out her best friends name but Eda felt like something was missing, so she decided to spice it up a bit. Armed with the marker which dangled next to the board she doodled a rain cloud crossed with a lightning symbol.

"Ha... I'm a genius!" Eda snorted while laughing and praising herself. She took a couple of steps back to admire her work before knocking on the door. The red haired girl could hear a thud from the other side of the door.

'What on earth are they doing?' She wondered. The door opened and Edalyn was greeted by a very dishevelled, mint haired bard - Raine Whispers.

"Eda? What are you doing here? I mean... not that I don't want you here or anything..." a nervous laugh escaped their mouth. "Were we supposed to meet or something? Because if we were I am so sorry but I fell asleep over my work and I'm freaking out a bit at the moment."

"Woah calm down Rainestorm!" Eda rested her hands on Raine's shoulders. "We weren't supposed to meet, I just wanted to check on you. I didn't see you at the canteen earlier and got a little worried that's all. Remember when you were so stressed because of that one assignment that you literally FORGOT to eat? Just wanted to make sure that doesn't happen again." She shoved the bard back into their dorm room and closed the door.

"So tell me... what's freaking you out this time? Stuck on writing the perfect lullaby? Also, did you fall out of bed just now or what was that thud I heard?" The redhead chuckled playfully. Raine took a deep breath and tried to calm down. For the first time in apparently quite a bit they looked into the mirror.

"Wow I look like a mess, don't I? And yes, in a matter of fact I actually did fall out of my bed" They laughed nervously which made Eda blush slightly. Why did her best friend need to be so dang cute? The first time they had met she swore to herself that if anything would ever happen to them, she would first end the person who hurt Raine and then herself.

"Nah you look fine, don't worry! Just tell me what's going on!"

Raine sat on their bed for a couple more minutes until they started to speak up.
"Well you know how I told you about that big show that's going to take place in the middle of the semester?" Raine started fidgeting the end of their shirt. They always did that when they were nervous.

"Duh... of course I remember. You were so excited because the bards are doing a big thing. Whatever that thing was I don't remember though."

"Yeah, well today professor Crane told us that we should all come up with an idea for the big show and ... I GOT NOTHING!" They exclaimed before burying their face in their hands. Standing up and pacing around the room, Raine continued their ramble.
"Can you imagine that? I haven't got a single idea Eda! I've been thinking the entire day but nothing, literally nothing came up. I am done. This is it. It's over!" Dramatically they let themself fall onto the bed covering their face with the closest pillow they could reach.

Eda couldn't help but burst out into laughter at the sight of her friend.
"Really? This is what's been stressing you out? Come on Rainestorm. You just have to come up with an idea, not an entire written script for a musical!" She let herself down on the bed next to Raine.

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