Chapter 4: What's worse than detention?

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"I'm sorry Eda but I got new friends now and they don't cause as many problems as you. If I want to be head of the bard coven someday I need to be surrounded by the right people. You only cause trouble wherever you go and I just can't be a part of this anymore." The bard said looking Eda straight into her eyes.

"But... Rainestorm." Eda couldn't think nor breathe as the words of the bard sunk in. Tears started to build up in the corners of her eyes and as soon as they became too big, they started to roll down her cheeks.

"Eda..." Edalyn heard her name coming out of the bard's mouth but somehow their voice didn't match. "Eda... come on." She heard the bard say again. This wasn't actually what she thought the bard would say next. What was going on?

"Wake up, for Titans sake!" With those words and a very cold, very wet liquid splashing right into her face, Eda woke up from that nightmare.

"Oh, my TITAN! It was just a dream!" She exclaimed while trying to catch her breath. Only now she realised that her entire bed was wet, and her sister was standing right next to it with an empty bucket in hand.

"Lily! Did you just dump a bucket of water over me? Couldn't you have woken me a bit gentler?" The redhead got out of bed and went to the bathroom to grab a towel.

"Hey, I tried to wake you for 5 minutes now. You didn't respond at all. Next I would have resorted to using magic!"

Drying herself with a fresh towel Eda came back into her room "I guess just tapping me on the shoulder or shaking me did not come to your mind..."

"Whatever, come on we're gonna be late for school if we don't hurry. You can have your breakfast on the way." With that Lilith left her sisters room to give her space to change.

"ugh... I'm not really hungry anyway." Eda started changing into her school uniform and zipped up her Grudgby jacket. Grabbing a backpack and her Grudgby ball she went off after her sister.

"Edalyn, don't forget your breakfast. It's on the kitchen table." Her mother called out from somewhere else in the house.

"Sorry mom, in a hurry and not hungry, I'll eat it after school. Byeee." She replied while sprinting down the stairs and out of the front door.

She ran all the way until she caught up to Lilith. After that they walked in silence for a while. Eda got lost in thought and started recapping that weird nightmarish dream she had. It felt so real. But Raine would never say such things to her... would they?

"Eda... do I really need to drop another bucket of water over your head to get your attention?"

"Hmm... what?" The redhead looked at her sister with a puzzled look on her face.

"Geez, you're zoning out even more than usually. What's going on?" Lilith asked, now seeming honestly worried about her sister.

"Oh, nothing. Just a bad dream and now I can't really get it out of my head. But it's nothing... really, no need to worry." Eda replied while fidgeting with the bottom border of her uniform.

Squinting her eyes at Edalyn, Lilith wasn't sure whether to believe her sister or not but she decided to let it go for now since they were already pretty late.

They reached school just in time to get into the classroom before the bell screamed. Eda sat down and immediately drifted off with her thoughts. She didn't get to see Raine before class because she overslept. She wanted to congratulate them on the show but what if their new friends would be there? Eda got so badly tangled in her thoughts that she didn't notice her teacher coming up to her desk until she lightly tapped her shoulder.

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