Chapter 5: Realisation

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Heyoo.. sooo this chapter is really short and I'm sorry for that but my brain literally didn't work at all lately so idk... just read it and hope for something better in the next chapter... that's what I did while writing. Have fun! <3


"Eda, watch out!" a distant voice made it's way through Eda's ears into her brain. She turned her head, empty minded,  just to be hit by a grudgby ball. Right in the face. For a moment she couldn't think nor breathe as stars blinded her sight. A few seconds later the bright stars disappeared, and it went black.


The witch tried opening her eyes and was hit by a bright light.

"Ow... dang where am I? What happened?" She asked herself.

"You were hit by a grudgby ball and lost consciousness. You have a concussion and a broken nose so it's probably best if you rest a little longer." Her sisters voice explained to her.

Eda turned her head to look at her sister. She wore a deep frown on her face, mixed with worry.

"Eda... are you alright?" the older Clawthorne asked.

"My nose was just smashed into bits and my brain is scrambled but yeah... otherwise I'm great!" Edalyn sarcastically replied and looked away.

"I don't mean that. I know you're probably in pain and all... I mean.. is something wrong? I've seen how you sat alone at lunch and you've been spaced out all day." Lilith sat a chair up next to Eda's bed in the Healing Coven's Room.

"Have you fallen out with Raine? Did something happen?" She tried to shove one of Eda's hair locks back into place but the younger sister turned her head away again.

"No... Raine just.. found some new friends and I guess I'm not good enough for them." She said with tears welling up in her eyes once more.

"WHAT?! That's balderdash and you know that!" Lilith had an angered look on her face. It was rare to see her sister like that, Eda thought. "How did Raine even meet those people? They're the most anti-social person I ever met! It took them 2 weeks to say hello to me!" She got up from her chair and started pacing around the room.

"Well... if you sit down again I could tell you what happened, but your pacing really makes me nervous." Eda said, while reaching out with her hand to signal her sister to sit back down.

"ugh.. fine. Tell me!"

"Okay.. so... you know that Raine had this big show going on right? And we both spent weeks, no months planning for this event. They had an idea but didn't know how to execute it so I took it into my hands. I organised round about 160 people for this show. It was a blast! The show was incredible!" The younger sisters eyes sparkled from remembering the show.

"So... if it was amazing, what's the problem then?" The older one asked.

"Well you see, after the show I went to congratulate Raine but Crane and some others were already there so I waited because I didn't mean to interrupt. I overheard the old professor C praise Raine and their show... and they just took the credit, all for themself!!" She let her arms, which helped her show off how enraged she was by flinging them through the air, fall back onto the blanket.

"And not just that... afterwards they just went with those new bard friends to some kind of bar and that weird girl just clung to Raine's arm the entire time and... UUGHHH... I HATE HER!" Eda clenched her teeth and covered her eyes with her hands.

"Ok, ok slow down. Are you mad because Raine took the credit for the show or are you mad about that girl clinging onto Raine? I'm a little lost here." Lilith stated in her usual calm and collected voice.

"I... I don't know. I mean yeah I'm mad that Raine just claimed my work.. but I guess I could have forgiven them? I mean what were they supposed to say to Crane." She removed her hands from her eyes and stared blankly at the wall "but that girl.. is just so .. annoying you know. Raine was my best friend for years and now our friendship is over just because those stupid bards suddenly have an interest in them!"

"I hate those new guys.. all of them! They never cared for Raine's company but now that Crane has got his eye on them they kiss Raine...ssssss..." The older Clawthorne shot her sister a warning glare.

"...-whatever" the younger one finished her sentence.

"Eda. Can I ask you something. In all seriousness?" Lilith asked, facing her sister.

"Uhh.. sure." She waved her hand at her to signal her to continue speaking.

"Is it possible.. that you are... in love with Raine?" Lilith asked obviously feeling uncomfortable about the topic. It was a topic she usually avoided because just thinking about the word love made her cringe.

Eda snorted. 'In love with Raine .. hah... that would... make absolutely perfect sense. Oh Titan. She was IN LOVE WITH HER BEST FRIEND!' Her eyes widened at the thought and a blush crept it's way up her cheeks.

"Sooo... is that a yes?" Lilith asked. Dang it was really hard talking about this stuff.

Eda couldn't do much but nod. Her thoughts raced through her head and every memory of her and Raine interacting in any kind of way just popped up in her head simultaneously. She tried to catch a single thought but it didn't work.

"Ok. Well.. Ugh I'm probably not the right person to talk about this stuff with but... If you love them maybe you should tell them?"

Finally, Eda's brain decided to let her take control again.

"Oh yeah. Great idea. I'll just walk up to them and their new friends and tell them I'm in love.. I'm sure nothing can go wrong there." She pulled her knees up and placed her forehead against them.

"Why is this stuff so complicated" Eda whispered into her blanket covered knees.

Her sister was a bit lost at the sight of it, let alone the topic. She just placed a comforting hand on Eda's back to show her support. For now, she felt that was everything she could do.

At night, Eda lay awake in her uncomfortable healing coven bed, tossing and turning, thinking about Raine. She still wasn't sure what to do. But she was hurt, because her once best friend didn't even come visit her.

Yes, they had a quarrel but they've been inseparable for years.. something that minor surely can't break their friendship apart for ever... right? Eda turned around again.

'How do I get Rainestorm away from those other bards? I have to get them alone.. I can't confess nor apologise with them around.'

She decided it was best to heal and go back to school before deciding on what to do. She could always come up with a plan then and there. What she needed most right now was sleep... and maybe some pain-relieving potions because her nose hurt like hell.

All in good time.. Healing takes time and so does love...

"Dang... concussions make me think nonsense" she whispered into the dark and empty room. Finally sleep took over her and she snuggled up into the bedsheet like a little slitherbeast.


Ok... I really didn't know what to write and it's late and my brain isn't functioning but I wanted to write something. I really wasn't in the mood to write anything because there's been some events in my personal life that required my attention...

But I still hope you like it and you're tuned for the next chapters.. I feel like were going somewhere with this xD 

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