Chapter 8: The scent of roses

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Heyo, Here I am, back with a new chapter. As always I'm not satisfied but at this point I don't actually think I can be satisfied with my own work xD

Anywho.. hope you enjoy it <3


After a short ride, Eda had finally reached their special spot. She spotted that beautiful fluffy mint hair she loves so much. The red-haired girl landed and made her way up the flowery hill. Raine was facing the other way.

Eda suddenly heard their voice but she couldn't make out what they were saying. 'Are they talking to themself?' she thought.

As she further approached Raine her heart dropped. Not just a little, but all the way down through her feet into the ground. Yep. She was pretty sure her heart just left the Boiling Isles and her soul just left her body. Raine wasn't alone.

The red-haired witchling felt something bubble up inside of her. And she knew exactly what it was. The Owl beast wanted to make an appearance. She dropped the flowers and ran as fast as she could. She didn't need anyone to see her like that. Weak. Vulnerable.

She ran until her lungs screamed for air and her legs became pudding. She let herself fall to the ground, leaning against a tree, sobbing. She wrapper her arms around herself trying to focus on something else in order to keep the Owl Beast inside.

Raine's POV:

Raine stood on top of the hill where they spent so many beautiful moments with their best friend. They taught Eda how to play the mandolin. They came here to rant about their parents, school, their lives in general. This hill was sacred ground for both of them.

The bard drifted off in thought trying to figure out how to tell Eda how sorry they were without sounding like an idiot. They practised a few lines in their head as all of a sudden, they heard a voice call out for them.

"Raineeeey." Raine's ears rang. There weren't many people with an annoying voice like that. The bard frowned and tried to pretend they didn't hear.

The girl, whose name was something along the lines of Addalyn... or Addisyn or maybe Allisyn?, came running up the hill. The mint-haired bard wished to disappear once more.

"Heyy Rainey" the girl sang into their ear. "I was looking for you."

"Why?" Raine's mouth spoke the words before their brain could think about it. They noticed it might sound a little rude but to be honest, Raine had enough of that girl and if being unfriendly was the only way to get rid of her then so be it.

"Why? Well because I like being close to you of course!" She clung to Raine's arm once more. The bards brain shut off completely. They didn't even notice Eda approaching from behind. They yanked their arm back to free themself from trash slug's grip.

"I've had enough of this! I don't care about your company, I don't know you and I don't want to know you. You're clingy, loud and annoying!" Raine knew this would hurt the girl but they couldn't stop themself.

"You and your stupid friends are the reason I had a fight with the only person I ever truly cared about!" The girl was in tears. Raine immediately felt bad for saying those things but they were right. Still... they don't usually talk to people that way.

As the situation calmed down, they heard a rustling sound and turned around. The only thing they were able to see was the strangest yet most beautiful bouquet of flowers on the ground and a red ponytail running away.

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