Chapter 7: Flowers of regret

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Hello there!

I'm back with a new chapter... it's not the end yet :D But we're getting there!

Why do I always feel so insecure about the chapters I've written? I always think "Ugh they're gonna hate this" and then you guys write sweet comments and I'm like (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵) 

I hope you enjoy this one! I'll proof read it a thousand times in the next few hours so there might be some changes because I usually find my mistakes afterwards xD

Anyways... Have fun!!


The next day Raine woke up, dishevelled hair and dark circles under their eyes. After that absolutely weird conversation with their mothers the bard didn't get much sleep at all. They thought about multiple ways to start their conversation with Eda. They also thought about the things their mothers said, for example how good of a couple the two would make. Raine started blushing as soon as that thought crossed their mind again.

'First I need to set things straight with Eda, then I can think about taking our relationship to the next level' They thought to themself while combing through their hair.

Raine slipped into some fancy clothes since it was the weekend. Dark blue dress pants and a white shirt with rolled up sleeves. They had come up with a plan in their head, first they would go to the flower shop and get some flowers to express their regret afterwards the bard intended to go to the hospital right away to visit Eda and set things straight, and last of all they planned to visit the other bards and tell them they won't be associating with them anymore. They had enough of their stupid childish behaviour and if their mothers were right, they didn't care about Raine at all.

It's not like Raine cared for their company anyway. Especially that annoying girl... Raine couldn't even remember her name correctly.

Deep in thought, the bard reached the hospital. Bought Flowers in hand.

"I don't even know which room she is in... I'll just ask someone" they mumbled to themself while entering the building.

It was quiet and calm, the perfect environment to recover and heal, but Raine knew how much Eda would suffer here... She was never a fan of complete silence. She always asked them to hum a tune or play something on any kind of instrument so there was a bit of background noise.

Raine looked around to see if they could spot anyone who could tell them where to find their friend. A tall, young, kind of brawny woman with pale skin and blue lipstick in the typical blue healing coven robe walked by.

"Excuse me!" Raine said while stopping her. She turned around to face them.

"Yes? Oh, Aren't you the bard protégé under Scooter Crane? What can I do for you?" She replied, obviously interested in why they were here.

"Uhm... yeah that's me, I guess. I'm Raine Whispers. I'm looking for my friend, Eda Clawthorne... She was hurt during Grudgeby practise yesterday and brought here. Could you tell me where she is?"

The healer placed a finger on her chin to think.

"Eda Clawthorne, you say? Yes, I think I heard of that. Let me see what I can do." She disappeared behind a desk and shuffled through some papers. "Aha! Here... Edalyn Clathorne" her eyes scanned the paper for information. Raine watched silently.

"It says here, that she was released very early this morning. Sorry. She's not here anymore. Anything else I can help you with?" The healer stuffed the documents back into the desk.

"Oh... uhm no, thanks. I guess I'll go look for her somewhere else. Thank you." Raine's disappointment was huge. They had planned everything in advance, even the conversation between them was planned in detail. Now all of that was for nothing because she was gone already. Where should they look next? She probably went home.

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