Battle of the DWMA

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As I woke up as Soul wasn't there, I kinda looked at the clock.

"Shit I'm late for class."

Soul and I walked to the academy. Everyone was lined up inside. All I could see was Kid on the T.V.

"Yo Maka, Soul you better listen to this." Black Star mentioned.

"There has been a new Kishin and Kishin armies!" Kid announced.

"Will beat it up like the Kishin." Black Star yelled out.

"Black Star, you need to think of a plan first." Tsubaki worrying.

I'm really kinda scared and angry about this. I didn't really want to go. Soul looked like he's gonna blow it. Hiroto....... I need to find him..... Yes I need to find Hiroto. I need to talk to him. Find out what he wants from the DWMA.

"Hey Maka, you better be careful out there." Soul said with a sigh.

Soul went up to me and hugged me.

"No matter what, I will always be there to protect and love you each day....."

"I love you too Soul."

As we met near the ruins of Archne's castel, there.... Hiroto and his men. I was alone. Soul was with the others.... And I was separated. I feel stupid for sepoerating from everyone.

"So pretty Maka Alburn came to see me?" Hiroto laughed.

"Shut up, I am not gonna play some games with you. I'm only here to destroy you......" I barked at him.

"Have you ditched your loser boyfriend yet?" He said with excitement.

"I would never ditch him or cheat on him." I said with annoyance.

I am so scared right now. I don't have Soul with me. He's there to protect me always. I can trust him. He will come for me. He can find me. Wait he's not a miester.

"Well it looks like you cannot fight us or beat us since you don't have your boyfriend."

"I have courage inside of me. You better shut up sometimes because your getting annoying."

"Eh? Tough words. Ouch it hurts me here Maka." He pointed toward his heart.

His men gotten closer to me. They held a brown bag. Hiroto held a black cloth.

"And you gonna regret them." He shoved the cloth up against my nose.

I tried not to sniff the cloth. Instead I started to scream. The men threw one of the brown bags over my head. And one lifted me off. I wish that I've stayed with them. Soul.... Wherever you are, please save me. I fainted from no air. I tried grasping for air but the bag made everything to stiff for me too breathe.

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