Chapter 6: Christmas time is near!

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So Christmas is near? I made a thought to myself. I don't know what to get Soul for Christmas. Maybe I can get a trip to Paris. I heard its the Country of Love. I can probably do that.

Kid even gave us all holidays. I am gonna spend it all with Soul.

"Hey Maka!"

"What's is it?"

"Would you like to visit my family?"

"I've never met you family before. But I would like to visit them."

"They are in California."


"Do you wanna leave tommorow?"

"Yeah, sure."

I am really nervous. Soul is from a rich family in California. They lived in a mansion. What if Soul's family does a not approve of me? I can't be together with Soul if our family hate each other.As I gotten up I packed my bags and we left to go to the airport. I cuddled up with Soul. He hugged me. He gave a kiss on my forehead. After a few hours, we departed the airport. There was this strange man who seem to look like Soul's older brother. He walked up to us.

"You must be Maka Albarn."

"Yes I am."

"Maka, this is my older brother Wes Evans."

"We must get into the car. Mother expects us."

As we all walked to the parking lot, we all hop into the Limo.

"Soul, is this your girlfriend?" Wes asked

"Of course Maka is my girlfriend."

"Haven't you had a lot of girls liked you before you ran away."

"Wes you better shut up."

The car pulled up into a lovely mansion, I took at step. I can see a red carpet. What, a red carpet? Wow, I never felt so great in my life. A smiling skinny old lady.

"Maka this is my servant, Mei."

"I'm glad to meet you Mei."

She smiled and guided us to the dinning room. A healthy woman and a man appread.


"Soul I am so glad to see you again."

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