Chapter 3:Prom dance at the DWMA?

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Kid announced an important message for all of the students.

Their will be an Halloween Prom at the Academy.

I went out shopping with Tsubaki, Patty, Liz and Blaire. Tsubaki bought a strapless dress that is purple with black rose designs. Patty bought an giraffe printed dress with a one strap. Patty bought a pink dress with heart designs with a see through straps. Blaire bought a dress that is short with no starps and a black rose around the waist. The colour of that dress was blue. I bought a beautiful dress that goes down to me feet. It was a dress with black lace on the top and a bow on my back. Lace prints on the bottom. Mostly my dress is see through.

As we all got to our homes, I curled my hair, into beautiful waves. I did a half pony tail. I tied a big Purple bow on the back.

As went downstairs, Soul was waiting for me. But Blaire grab my arm and back to my room. She pulled a bag with make up.

I asked, "Why do I need make up for?"

Blaire replied with deep voice, "Do you want to look more sexyer than you look?"

"Um Blaire, should we all get going?"

"Yes Maka but we need to do something with your face"

"Okay fine" I said it politely

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