Chapter 2

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The family all stared at the room they were standing in. It had a bright rainbow window and it was extremely colorful. Personally, Ivy loved it, she was concerned about Wednesdays feeling of it though.

"It's so..." Gomez started, making a disgusted face, "vivid."

Out of the corner of her eye, Ivy saw a blonde haired girl with colored highlights stand up. She was absolutely stunning.

"Howdy roomies!" She said excitedly.

"Girls, this is Enid Sinclair." Weems introduced.

Enid. Ivy loved the name. The two looked at each other for a few seconds, taking in each others appearance. The two had something snap in them. Enid quickly looked away and turned her attention to Wednesday.

"Are you okay? You look a little... pale." Enid said, nervously fidgeting with her fingers.

"Wednesday always looks half dead." Ivy pointed out in a nervous way.

"Oh." Enid said with a frown, then switiched to a huge smile. "Welcome to Ophelia hall!" She attempted to hug Wednesday but she pulled back fast. "Not a hugger. Got it." Enid turned to Ivy and held her arms out too but Ivy just stuck her hand out. She gave her a weird look but then Enid shook her hand.

Enid quickly pulled her hand back when she felt a small shock from Ivy's hand. Ivy immediately put her hand down and rubbed her leg in fear. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Enid looked at her new roommate in sympathy and turned back to the group.

"Please excuse Ivy. She can create electricity. Also please excuse Wednesday, she's allergic to color." Morticia defended.

"Oh wow." Enid said in surprise. "What happens to you?"

"I break out into hives and my flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday said blankly.

Enid looked at her with worry but Principal Weems interrupted. "Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform." The groups sat in silence for a few seconds but then Weems started to talk again. "Enid, please take the girls to the registration office to pick up their uniforms a long with their schedules. Also, give them a tour on the way."

Ivy smiled at Enid causing he to smile back and they made their way down the halls. She was already enjoying her time at Ophelia hall and she had a feeling that it would just get even better.

As the trio walked through the school, Ivy was finding herself getting left behind because she was so intrigued of everything.

"Where did Ivy go?" Enid asked, stopping to look behind. She saw Ivy looking at every song painting. Her mouth was slightly open in awe and it made her look very cute according to Enid's thoughts. She didn't want to disrupt her fun but she needed to. "Ivy! Hello!" Enid yelled.

Ivy snapped her head to where she heard her name being called and blushed when she realized she was getting caught behind. She jogged back to the girls and mumbled a quick, "sorry."

"As I was saying," Enid started, "Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here."

"You can save the sanitized sale pitch. I don't plan on staying her for long." Wednesday commented. Ivy lightly nudged her sister to let her know she was being rude but Wednesday has zero care in the world. Wednesday needed to stay here other wise their would be no where else to go.

"Why?" Enid questioned.

"This was my parents' idea." Wednesday pointed to a picture frame of the fencing team and sighed. "Oh look, there's our mother smirking at me."

Damaged || Enid Sinclair x female OCWhere stories live. Discover now