Chapter 6) Sewers

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Rick handcuffs Merle to a pipe on the roof and he resists.

"Who the hell are you, man?" Merle shouts.

"Officer friendly. Look here, Merle. Things are different now. There are no n****** anymore. No dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart."

"Screw you, man." Merle spits in response.

"I can see you make a habit of missing the point."

"Ain't that the truth." Andrea mumbles under her breath as she and Jacqui help T-Dog.

"Yeah? Well, screw you twice."

Rick pulls out his gun and points it at Merle. "Ought to be polite to a man with a gun." He cocks it. "Only common sense."

Merle scoffs. "You wouldn't. You're a cop."

"All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose. I'll give you a moment to think about that." He pulls a small plastic bag out of Merle's front shirt pocket. It has white powder in it. "Got some on your nose there."

Dixon laughs at that. "What are you gonna do? Arrest me?"

Rick takes the plastic bag and tosses it off the side of the building.

"Hey! What are you doing? Man, that was my stuff! Hey! If I get loose, you'd better pray... Yeah, you hear me, you pig?! You hear me?!"

Ricks walks away. "Yeah. Your voice carries."

Merle keeps tossing insults at Rick who continues to ignore him. Morales walks up.

"Judging from your uniform, you're not Atlanta P.D. Where you from?"

Y/N and Glenn walk up to the two near the edge after checking on T. "Up the road a ways." He responds.

"Well, officer friendly from up the road a ways, welcome to the big city."
Later, the group is still gathered on the roof trying to come up with an escape plan.

Andrea peers over the edge and sighs. "My god. It's like Times Square down there."

Morales looks to T-Dog. "How's that signal?"

"Weak." T sighs. "Like Dixons brain."

Morales gives a small smile at that. "Keep trying."

"Why?" Asks Andrea. "They can't do a damn thing for us."

Y/N notices Ricks confusion so she speaks up. "We have some people outside the city. There's no refugee center. Just a pipe dream."

He nods as he thinks things through. "Then Andrea is right. We have to do this on our own."

"Good luck with that. These streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear." Merle says looking over at Y/N.

"Ain't that right, sugar tіts? Hey, honeybunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs, we go off somewhere and bump some uglies? Gonna die anyway."

Y/N fakes a gag. "I'd rather."

Merle rolls his eyes. "Rug muncher. Figured as much."

Y/N opens her mouth to say something but decides against it, instead just shaking her head.

Morales speaks up. "The streets ain't safe. Now there's an understatement."

Rick chirps in. "What about under the streets? The sewers?"

Y/N nods her head in agreement. "Glenn check the street. Any manhole covers?"

Glenn glances around below and shakes his head.  "No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are."

Jacqui shakes her head. "Maybe not. Old building like this built in the '20s... Big structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers in case of flooding down in the subbasements."

Rick looks over at her. "How do you know that?"

"It's my job... was. I worked in the city zoning office."

The group heads downstairs to the basement to find a sewer opening.

"This is it?" Andrea asks.

"I've scoped this building out a billion times before. It's the only place in the building that goes down. I've never gone down before. Who would want to right?"

Most of the group looks to him expectantly. "Oh cmon really?" He sighs.

"We'll be right behind you." Jacqui says.

"No, you won't. Not you."

"What? You think I can't?"

"I wasn't..." Glenn cuts himself off.

"Speak your mind." Rick tells him.

"Look, until now I always came here by myself... In and out, grab a few things... No problem. The first time I bring a group..." He pauses and looks at Y/N.

"Everything goes to hell. No offense. If you want me to go down this gnarly hole, fine... But only if we do it my way. It's tight down there. If I run into something and have to get out quick, I don't want you all jammed up behind me getting me killed. I'll take one person..."

He looks at Rick. "Not you either. You've got Merle's gun and I've seen you shoot. I'd feel better if you were out in that store watching those doors, covering our ass."

He looks over at Andrea. "And you've got the only other gun, so you should go with him."

He points at Morales. "You be my wingman. Jacqui stays here. Something happens, yell down to us, get us back up here in a hurry."

"What about me?" Y/N asks.

"Stay with Rick and Andrea. They'll keep you safe."

Y/N's heart flutters at that. She can obviously take care of herself and he knows that, but just the idea that he wants her to be safe is enough to make her swoon. She hasn't known him long but she is falling under his spell.

"Okay. Now that everyone knows their jobs, let's get going."

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