Chapter 2: The Party

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Oh no.


He was in a bed.

Patrick's bed.

And Patrick was with him.

In the bed.

How the hell was he going to get out of this mess? God, he shouldn't have had that "special" punch they were serving. Shit. He knew he should've stopped after he started publicly flirting with Patrick, not at all ashamed or embarrassed.

Patrick was still asleep next to him, completely oblivious to the crisis that Spongebob was having right in front of him. Patrick looked nice asleep, even if Spongebob's vision was a bit unclear. Not in a creepy way, but in the sense that he looked peaceful and relaxed. A large contrast from the usual upturned smile and uplifted eyebrows. Spongebob couldn't help but smile a little when Patrick mumbled into the pillow.

He stayed in that moment for a while, basking in Patrick's presence and warmth right next to him. Until Patrick started to shift and move. His eyelids twitching. Spongebobs smile dropped in an instant.





This was it, this was how his life was going to end.

Patrick was shifting, and his eyebrows were furrowing and oh god his life was over and Patrick sighed and snuggled closer. Bringing an arm over Spongebob and squeezing him like a mother does to her husband's hand during labor.

Spongebob let out the breath he was holding. He was safe, at the moment. Now, he needs to figure out how to get out of this room, preferably with all his clothes and belongings. Spongebob carefully lifted Patrick's arm off him and slid away from his warm embrace. Spongebob looked at the vacated spot on the bed longingly, well it was nice while it lasted.

Spongebob tiptoed his way around the room looking for his clothes. Once he was no longer naked, he looked for his watch and wallet and made his way for the door. He looked back once more at the sleeping form of Patrick and left, not realizing he left some black frames on the bedside table.

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