Chapter 1: The Queen is Back

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All was mostly quiet in the Wheeler household. The family was at the dinner table. Mike was talking about Halloween and how excited he was. Holly was blabbering about the food and Mrs. Wheeler was sitting quietly with coy smile.

The doorbell rang, silencing Mike. "Michael, can you grab the door for me?" Mrs. Wheeler asked, smirking. Michael got up in confusion. He opened the door to see his older sister. He gasped and immediately hugged her. "Sup Mikey," she giggled, hugging back. "Oh Mikey, guess what?" She asked. "What?" He asked, pulling only slightly to look at her. "Y'know how I've been saving for my dream car since I was like, 9?" She raised an eyebrow. Michael gasped in realization. "No, you didn't," he grinned. She let him through the door and he walked out to see a yellow and black Dodge Charger R/T. He got in while y/n stood outside and watched him marvel at the interior. Black leather seats, freshly cleaned.

And she'd recently installed a new stereo. She stood grinning. Mike got out and closed the door. "Beautiful, right?" She asked. "Absolutely!" Mike exclaimed. Mike helped with her bags and went ahead and put them in her room.

"Y/n we said we were gonna pay for your car, sweetheart," her mom whined slightly. "Nah, mama. I couldn't let you do that for me," y/n responded. "I'm gonna turn in for the night. School tomorrow. Love ya," y/n kissed Karen's cheek and went to her old room.

The next morning, y/n was dressed and about to leave

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The next morning, y/n was dressed and about to leave. "Y/n, are you gonna eat?" Karen asked from the dining room. "No, ma, not hungry. I'll see you this afternoon!" Y/n called back. Nancy followed y/n out and got in the car with Steve. Steve noticed y/n. "Y/n?" He asked, getting out of his car. "Oh hey, Steve, been awhile, eh?" She asked. "Yeah, nice to see you, you look super cool," he comments. "Thanks, man," I shake his hand. "I'll see ya around," she climbs into her car and Steve goes back to his.


I park my pride and joy of a car and get out. I decide to stick around in the parking lot for a bit and smoke. A blue Camaro comes swinging into the parking lot, almost hitting my car. I pull my cig bud out of my mouth. "Watch the fucking car, a-hole!" I yell, throwing my arms out. He was an inch from hitting my bumper so I bend down and check it. I run my hand over the shiny metal, careful not to leave finger prints. I put my cig back in my mouth and continued checking for damage.

"Hey, I didn't hit your car, did I?" A voice asks, obviously trying to sweet talk me. I get up. "My first day back in this shit hole and someone's already trying to play bumper cars with the most expensive thing I own," I chuckle.

I turn to meet the eyes of the dumbass. "How can I make it up to you?"he bit his lip before asking with a lazy grin. "Maybe learn to actually drive," I glare. "And if I don't?" He challenged. I get chest chest with this fool and lean up to his ear. "I'll kick you so hard where the sun don't shine that you can't ever pollute this world with your halfwit, halfbreed offspring," I whisper threateningly and walk off. Steve catches me and puts his arm around me, cackling. "That was amazing," he laughed. "He looked horrified," he continued to holler in laughter.  "Nobody's sweet talking me out being protective of my car, especially some fuckboy from cali. I worked hard for that shit," I declare. "Oh Steve, you might have classes with me," I inform. "How?" He asked. "I'm taking senior classes. I got a lot of credits from my time abroad, especially because of night classes so I skipped junior year" I explain. "You've been doing hard work, haven't you?" He asked. "Yeah," I sigh.

My time abroad was slightly traumatic. So much stress crying and disappointment. It wasn't easy. I hate that people think it was. I worked on my mind and my body, most times in unhealthy ways.

"Well I have English with Mrs Evanson for first block," he informs. "Same, walk with me?" I ask. He nods. We talk. He catches me up on things that happened.

We sit in the classroom, him in front of me. We were slightly early. Fuckboy comes in and to spite me, sits right next to me.

I put my feet up and adjust my oval sunnies. He was not getting my time of day.

The teacher does attendance and giggles once she gets to Fuckboy, who I find his name is "will- oh, Billy..." bleh. Then she reads my name. "Another Wheeler?" She asks in confusion. "Yeah, babes, the Queen is back," I smirk. Me, Queen Wheeler. A hardcore, metal as fuck, hardass bitch. I mean that's what everyone's girlfriends think.

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