Chapter 8: unforgettable words

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The next day, Steve drives us both to school. It was awkward getting out of his car and people staring.

We walk into school, making jokes as usual. Eddie was standing by my locker. I go up and hug him. "Hey, dude," I open my locker. "Wait, what!" Steve asked in a loud confusion. "Me and Eddie are restarting... as friends," I inform. "Why!?" He asked. "Because we talked," I tell him. Before he can speak, I interrupt him. "Shhhh! You aren't changing my mind," I press a finger to his lips. I continued rifling through my locker. Eddie seemed to have seen something. He plucked a Polaroid off my locker door.

It was a picture of us cuddling. "Can-... can I have this?" He asked. "Sure," I shrug. I pull my camera out of my bag.

"But you gotta replace it," I grin. He does a cute little grin and the nervous mannerism of tucking his face into his hair. I snap a pic and shake the film, putting my camera in my locker. Steve pulls the door open.

The picture I took when he snuck into my room, a picture of Mike, one of Nancy, and one of Holly are the ones I put up, along with other photos of the four. Steve grins thoughtfully.

I place the one that just developed on the magnet it came off of and close my locker.

Billy sits next to me as usual in English. We don't talk. What was there to say? "Nice tits"?

The bell rings and people start leaving. Steve and I pack up. "Wait, y/n," Billy addressed. I stop and turn. "Sorry about my douche-baggery last night... I was kind of sloshed from the keg. You don't hate me, right?" He asks. "Oh Hargrove, what's not to hate about you," I joke. "Ok, sure thing, baby girl," he rolls his crystalline blue eyes.

PE came quickly. The coach had ordered Harrington and Hargrove to be on skins, forcing the two to work together.

I wasn't gonna lie, seeing Steve's slight chest stubble and happy trail was- wait, what am I thinking, I've seen him shirtless many times! He's my sister's boyfriend too! Stay in ur lane, y/n!

"Psst! Peach!" A voice whispered from under the bleachers. Curious, I walk around and go under the bleachers. "Eddie! What're you doing here!?" I ask. "I came to see you, but uh, you seem a little occupied, eye fucking Harrington and Hargrove," he joked. I slap his arm. "Oh, come on, that's my sister's boyfriend and the biggest player, like, ever!" I reason. "And yet you don't deny eye fucking," he crosses his arms with a smirk. "Fuck off," I giggle.

"You wanna... get outta here?" He asks me. "Oh yeah, there's nothing going on in here other than pectorals and biceps," I tell him.

"Let's go, peach," he scoffs playfully.

We go to his spot in the woods. He blatantly asks if I wanna get high but I deny the offer.

"How was party recovery last night?" Eddie asks. "Eh, I had to coddle Steve while he cried about my bitch of a sister whom was and likely still is having an emotional affair with zombie-boy's older brother," I explain. "Ah, well, I know how you feel about cheaters," Eddie mentioned. I didn't react. "Yeah. Steve basically changes for her and she runs off with Johnathan as payment. She's my sister and I love her, but that's a bitch move," I grimace. "Totally understand that," Eddie sympathizes.

He stares at my hands for a moment. "I was worse. So... yeah. I understand that. But unlike Nancy, I understand that... What I did was wrong, and every time I see you walk away, I can't-... never mind... I shouldn't be saying this," he turns away, taking his hands off the table. I grab his wrist, sliding my hand into his. "Tell me, Eds. Please," I beg.

He huffs, enclosing my hands in his, just staring at them. "Every time I see you walk away... I-" I can see tears welling in his dark chestnut eyes, like a poor pup, lost and alone. "I can't breathe. I- I just can't fucking breathe. Losing you, hurting you is a nightmare that I'm begging to wake up from, but I can't, because I can't wash away how you etched yourself into my heart, and I gave you that part when you left, when I pushed you away. I can't just wake up and the night I hurt you just not exist," he pressed our hands against his forehead, ineffectively hiding his face.

"It's crazy... an entire world of people who could fill that hole that I left in my own heart, and yet... I don't want anyone else to fill it. Because you already have the piece," he chuckles, sour and sad. I can now see the tears on his face.

"I don't think I ever stopped loving you. I was angry and jealous... and maybe I realized that I didn't know you as well as I thought I did," I respond. It was the truth. "I trusted you. With everything in me. At least, you did such a good job at making me believe I could, and that I loved you, but maybe I was desperate to know you, and to learn to love you," I explained.

"I'm so sorry. Nothing in the world could describe how sorry I feel. I want to know you, that should've been the first step, but you made me feel so crazy in love that I knew I just had to have you. I had you and I lost you, but I never stopped loving you," he cried.

A bell rang in the distance. "We have to get going, Eds," I tell him. He nods gently. He looks up at me. I put his face in my hands, wiping his tears. He holds my hand to his cheek. He then turns his head and kisses my palm. "You're amazingly beautiful," he tells me. "No more tears. We're starting over. I want to know you... if you'd let me," I tell him. He nods frantically. "A-and I, you!" He pants slightly with a big smile.

Lover boys (Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove X reader)Where stories live. Discover now