Chapter 10: just standing there

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For some Harringrove appreciation. By the way, wrecked_fuse has a ton of mungrove, steddie, and harringrove fanart it's amazing.

It was lunch time and Steve knew something was up. Y/n wasn't her usual self. She avoided Steve. She didn't sit next to or behind him. She wouldn't even look at him.

Billy or Eddie always had a hand or arm on her.
It started to scratch at his brain.

He looked across the lunchroom and spotted her sitting between Billy and Eddie.

He got fed up. He walked over. "What's your problem? Why haven't you talked to me today?" He asked. "Oh, please, Harrington. What are you, an attention whore?" Y/n glared up at him, shocking him and amusing the boys at her sides. Steve grabbed her arm and dragged her out.

"Talk. To me. Please. This isn't fair," he begged.

"You know what's not fair Steve? You lying to me. You lied to me about my best fucking friend. Kick rocks," she tried to leave. "I'm sorry. I had to. I was protecting you. If I told you-" "those American rejects would kill me, control the public, yeah? But dammit Steve, you should've told me! YOU SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING. Anything, anything is better than nothing!" She cried. "My best friend IS DEAD! And you just- just brushed it off!?" She shoved Steve.

Steve just hugged her. She punched him multiple times and scratched as well. He just took it, patting her hair with his head in the crook of her neck. When she stopped, and just hugged him back with sobs racking her body, he gently kissed her neck and collar soothingly. Small pecks up and down her neck.

"I'm sorry princess, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you," he whispers. Steve pulled away, resting his hands on her hips and just admiring her features. He reached one hand up and brushed hair out of her face.

"I'm so sorry, Princess," he repeated as he searched her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" Y/n asked. "Because it's my fault. It's my fault," he looked away. "No, Steve. You weren't the one who took her. You weren't the one holding the metaphorical gun," y/n looked away as he looked back. "If you truly believed that, look at me," he order gently. "Please... please, don't be mad at me. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry," he repeated.

Y/n kissed his forehead. "I forgive you. It's gonna be okay," y/n stared into his brown eyes.

"Let me make it up to you,"


"Wait, slow down, he said what?" Billy asked, leaning against his car. "Yeah, it was so cute. Steve's new behaviors are making up for before I left. I don't know if I would want to date him because he dated my sister... what do you think?" Y/n looked up at Billy with her big e/c eyes. "You want my opinion?" Billy asked in confusion. "Of course, silly. You're my best guy friend," she rolled her eyes, laughing slightly.

Oh shit. That one hurt. He was....


"Do what you want," he answers shortly.


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