The First Letters

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Chief Grimborn of the Dragon Hunter tribe,

I greet you with the deepest of respects. My name is Arthur from Leegeo Island and I am in desperate need of your help. I will offer you something great in return if you help me out.

For months, strange ships have been sailing around our island and they seem threatening to us. We do not have the men or the weapons and equipment to defend ourselves if they decide to attack us. We don't know their intentions, but we want to be sure we are able to defend ourselves when they oppose a serious threat to us.

At some nights, we even see a large shadow emerge from the ocean waters. We have no idea what it is, but it makes a strange noise and it draws out dragons from all around. 

In exchange for your help, I will offer you my daughter into marriage. I have heard you have sons who are close to the age of being wed. I will give away my daughter's hand to one of them and unite our two tribes that way. The only mundr I ask of you is your aid in protecting my island and my people.

With the greatest respects, Chief Arthur of Leegeo Island

A few weeks had passed when a letter came in to chief Arthur.

Chief Arthur of Leegeo Island,

I must say that this is a most unusual request to make under the most unfortunate circumstances. I believe I know who is trying to be a threat to you and I will help you defend your island.

My oldest son is soon to be of marrying age and I will accept your offer to marry your daughter to my son. He will come to the age of twenty by next year and I will marry him to your daughter as soon as he is.

I will stay in touch with you throughout this year. My son will not get to know about our arrangements just yet as he might disapprove on this marriage, my advice is to do the same to your daughter.

Their wedding will be planned for next year's autumn. Please make sure she is ready by then as she is to leave your island to come to her new home with her husband-to-be.

Ragnar, Chief of the Dragon Hunter Tribe

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