When We Stand Together, part 2

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"You seem to be used to having someone riding on your back. I wonder where that came from." Viggo noticed the Thunderdrum, usually a very territorial and slightly aggressive dragon, was very docile letting him ride it.

They had been flying south for some time and strangely enough, the dragon knew which way it had to go. "Hmm, are you familiar with the direction we are heading, my dragon friend? As we are off to the island of Berk." Viggo noticed the dragon was even speeding up with the mentioning of the island.

"Woah, easy there, big guy! No need to haste yourself this way." Viggo had to hold on to the dragon really tight to make sure he wouldn't fall off. Viggo chuckled a little about it when he heard some noises behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see dragons following them. "What the...?" Viggo had to look better to see what dragons were following them.

"We got company!" Viggo let the Thunderdrum know, but it didn't budge one bit. "Oh Gods, why do Thunderdrums have to be hard of hearing?" Viggo yelled and tapped the dragon's shoulder. The Thunderdrum realized something was wrong and turned around, facing the dragons that were chasing them. The two Nadders, the Gronckle and three Nightmares were very violent and aggressive, roaring loud and blasting fire their way.

As the Thunderdrum was hovering in the air, the mixed pack of dragons surrounded it, leaving not a single way to escape. "Uh, are you completely certain your plan, whatever it might be, will work?" Viggo asked nervously as he looked from left to right. The Thunderdrum growled and waited patiently until...

A green Nightmare blasted its fire! The Thunderdrum dodged it and blasted its own sonic scream straight into the green dragon, sending it flying into one of the sea stacks around them. "Woah, that was some great precision, big guy!" Viggo was impressed by the blasting skill. The Thunderdrum blasted a few times more, sending more dragons through the sky, eventually have them retreat. "Amazing work, big guy! Now, let's continue our journey to Berk, shall we?" Viggo suggested to the dragon with a lot more calmness in his voice.

After quite some time of flying, Viggo and the Thunderdrum arrived at the Berkian waters. "Woah, and where do you think you're going?" Astrid came flying up on her Deadly Nadder with someone by her side. Someone Viggo had never seen before. A bald man with a long blond moustache that was riding a green Monstrous Nightmare.

"Astrid! I need to talk to whoever is in charge. It's urgent." Viggo told her. "Yeah, sure you do, but you're not going any further." Astrid grabbed her axe and held it up to her, clearly opposing a threat to him. "Astrid, this is about the safety of the people of Berk." Viggo persuade her as much as he could.

"About Berk's safety, how?" She asked him annoyed. "It could get many people killed. My family and I are trying to get more tribes together to stand strong against this threat. We need Berk's help to get rid of the man that is leading this threat." Viggo explained. "Fine, but make one wrong move and you're mine." She warned him.

Coming down to the ground, all eyes were aimed at Viggo and the dragon he had with him. He heard the people murmur as quiet as they could. "Is that...?" "What is he doing here?" "Let's get him! After everything he has put us through." They said when a loud voice echoed over the crowds. "What is going on here?"

"Viggo is here, chief! He says he needs to talk to you about something." Astrid filled him in on the situation. "Really? And what is that?" Stoick stepped up when he saw the Thunderdrum dragon that stood beside Viggo.

"Thornado?" Stoick's eyes went wide and his voice trembled when he saw the blue Thunderdrum dragon. Thornado smiled widely and ran over to the red bearded man. "You know this dragon?" Viggo frowned as he was surprised to see this.

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