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Ryker held her hand in his and went down on his knee. "Will you do me the honor of marrying me again and be my wife once more?" He looked at her in the eyes with all the love he had for her, waiting for an answer.

Zaria couldn't believe he was actually planning something to surprise her with something so sweet. "Oh, Ryker..." She breathed out and she held her hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes with so many emotions. "Why do you always have to be so incredibly sweet?" She whispered.

"Because I love you so much, my darling. We've been apart for fifteen years and I just want you to be back here by my side. We will continue to raise the children together, just as we always have wanted." Ryker's words touched Zaria so much that she could barely speak.

The councilmen were waiting with anticipation to what Zaria would answer to Ryker. "Well, Zaria? What will your answer be?" Viggo asked her with sparkles in his eyes she had never seen before with him. She looked back to Ryker and smiled widely. "Yes."

Ryker stood up and grabbed Zaria by the hips, lifting her in the air. "You just made me the happiest man alive, darling!" He couldn't contain his happiness and excitement as he swung her around, making her laugh in the process.

Ryker put Zaria back down on the floor and rubbed noses with her, holding his forehead against hers again while holding her close to him. "Thank you, my love." Ryker's eyes were filled with so much love that Zaria became a little shy from him.

"Excellent! I'll start planning immediately. As it will be something symbolic, it will be something small, but it will nonetheless be something beautiful." Viggo smiled. "Thank you, brother. I can't wait." Ryker smiled as he held Zaria close to him.

A few days passed by and Viggo had the preparations done very quick. The venue was beautifully decorated, the food that was being prepared smelled divine and the family lived up to the big day.

The people in the town were, unfortunately, not that fond of the whole 'remarriage' idea and didn't hesitate to show their enemy how they felt about it. "Hey, pest! Go back to that hole where you hid yourself for so long!" "You stink just as much as those beasts do!" "Bet you've been eating like them. Raw fish and no manners!" They yelled at her over the plaza. Zaria rushed herself to the one place she would feel safe on this island, the Great Hall.

Coming inside, she quickly went into the first room she came across, sat down and cried. Her tears fell down to the stone floor, a floor she kind of remembered. Looking up, she saw she was in her old creativity room. Even the stuff she used to work on were still there!

She looked around for a moment when Ryker stepped in. He looked very concerned about her when he saw her red eyes and tear stains on her cheeks. "Are you alright? The maidens told me you fled in here crying." He came down to her and took her in his arms.

It took Zaria a moment to regain her ability to speak. "I need to get back to the den." She said and stood up, leaving Ryker behind with his mouth agape. It took him a second to comprehend with what she just said, when he rushed after her.

"Zaria, darling, please! Don't leave me again! This is our second chance in our marriage." Ryker begged Zaria as he followed her down the hallways. "I can't do this, Ryker." Zaria turned back on her decision and walked away from him. "Zaria, wait! Why are you changing your mind, my love?" Ryker walked after her and grabbed her hand, holding it gentle but firm.

"I can't marry you again, not after the way I have been treated by everyone here again!" Zaria's eyes filled themselves with tears. "But, sweetie, you belong here. You belong with me, with Raul! We'll convince Ryana to stay with us as well." Ryker tried to tell her everything she needed to hear, but it wasn't enough for her.

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