Chapter 1 Kidnapping

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Disclaimer: I don't own these characters all rights belong to Disney and Marvel.
Warning: swearing

It was a lovely day at Xavier mansion Charles was looking over some paperwork in his office for the new school year when he suddenly got knocked out by a bright light.

Raven and Hank were in the lab looking over some reports from there previous mission, when suddenly, they also got knocked out by bright light.

Jean, Scott, and Kurt were playing a friendly game of monopoly that sadly both Scott and Kurt were losing miserably at much to Jean's delight. When suddenly a big bright light knocked them all out.

Peter and Storm were chatting about Magneto in the communal area when suddenly they too were knocked out by a bright light.

Erik was in his house in Genosha reading when he also got knocked out by the mysterious light.

Erik's POV:
I woke up slowly as my eyes opened I realised I was on the floor in a unfamiliar room. "What's going on?" I thought as he looked around seeing he was inside some sort of movie room with the X men of all people.
I slowly got up and approached Charles and shook him awake. Unlike himself Charles was not lying on the floor but slumped over in his wheelchair in a rather uncomfortable looking position.
As Charles stated to wake up so did some of the other occupants in the room.
"Charles" I spoke in a soft whisper
"Erik what's going on where are we?" Charles said in a drowsy voice.
What's going on? Said Raven suddenly making me and Charles jump in surprise, not noticing she was awake.

Third person POV:
"I don't now I'm as clueless, as you" said Erik

The other X men started to get up and look around the room curious on how they got here.
Charles and Jean had both noticed quite quickly that there powers weren't working properly both finding it extremely strange, not to hear the constant voices in there heads that they'd both grown accustomed to.

"Hello Everyone" said a female voice that seemed to come out of nowhere making everyone in the room jump and look around.

"Who are you and why are we here?" Shouted Scott at what seemed to be nothing.

" Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you" spoke the Female voice
"I brought you here today to watch some videos and to react to somethings. This might sound weird but I'm from a universe where you are all comic book and movie characters."

"F***k off" said Peter in a Shocked voice and was about to say something else when he was cut off by Raven
"You don't honestly think we will believe you right" said Raven in a defiant voice

"Well it doesn't really matter whether you believe me or not because you're not leaving until I say so." Said the female voice
"And how rude of me not to introduce myself to you all my name is M."

"It's nice to meet you M" said Kurt, in a hesitant voice.

"Well you might all want to get comfortable because your going to be here for a while." Said M

Everyone went and took there seats and got comfortable.

Front row: Charles, Erik, Peter, Raven, and Hank,
Back row: Jean, Scott, Storm, and Kurt

"Well now your all comfortable and settled we will get started. Your going to be reacting to your Actors." Said M in a excited voice.

Well that's the first Chapter done hope you all enjoyed it. And please tell me what you think and if there's any spelling mistakes. :)

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