𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝐈𝐈

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You took your time walking back to your cave home. You had a makeshift basket filled with freshly picked berries in your right arm and in your right arm a small collection of sticks for firewood.

When you neared your home, your ears immediately caught the sound of a man in pain. You hesitantly approached, since it was near your abode anyway. Immediately once your cave was in sight, so was the dying man. He was propped up against a tree and his breathing was laboured.

You approached, though hesitantly after spotting the sword that lay next to him. He seemed too distracted by the pain to notice you approached. That was until you grabbed him by the chin.

His expression was that of pain and confusion, though there was another emotion mixed in that you couldn't quite discern. Off in the distance, Eros lets out a giggle of satisfaction and glee.

"Miss," he let out a pained groan and his hand clutched his abdomen tighter, "please... do not venture any further." He groaned once again, "There is a very dangerous predator-"

You cut off his warnings with a simple question, "Who are you?"

He didn't answer, due to the fact that he lost consciousness immediately after you asked him.

You left him there for a brief moment, and then came back your hands now free from the things you were carrying before. The sticks and berries were now replaced by a bleeding and unconscious stranger.

You carried him all the way to the cave and placed him on your improvised bed. After a cursory assessment, you saw that he only had two injuries. One large claw mark across his abdomen, and one smaller claw mark against his shoulder.

You didn't have any bandages, so you decided to improvise. You took some dear skin, cut it into strips, and then started boiling them over the fire. While you left them to simmer, you went back to the stranger.

You undid the top part of his chiton, and further assessed him. He was handsome, though would be more so if he wasn't bleeding out on your bed. Though oddly enough, the wounds already seemed far less severe than when you first saw him.

After a few more moments, you fetched the faux bandages. Since it was difficult to treat the abdomen wound without him sitting up, you decided to treat the one on his shoulder first. You hoped that the heat from the bandage would help cauterise it.

Strangely, he didn't immediately shoot up in pain or scream in agony. Instead, he merely groaned and barely opened his eyes. When he saw you sitting over him, he reached a hand up and touched the side of your face. Your face contorted in confusion and you gently swatted his hand away.

"Sit up." Your voice was hoarse and brittle due to lack of use, but still firm in your command. He still seemed to be in a daze but did as you said. He let out a pained groan as you wrapped the dear skin around his toned waist. Immediately after you pushed him down, and told him to stay there. You returned with the berries you had picked earlier.

"Here." You said, practically shoving the basket in his face. You were unsure if it would really help, seeing as you hadn't interacted with another human in the past decade. He seemed to turn a light shade of pink at the notion, but reached a hand out and took a few nonetheless. "Thank you very much."

You two sat there in silence for a while before you spoke up, "What is your name?" He swallowed the food quickly before responding, "Theseus of Troezen."

Everything seemed to freeze. The name was familiar to you, very familiar. You'd heard about the mythical greek hero many times before, but that's just what he was, a myth. Not real, you werent suppose to be able to speak to him. It immediately became clear to you where and when you were now. Greece, before the Trojan war. And that's all you knew. It was still more than a few years, but the realisation was far more terrifying than you would have liked.

The man before you cleared his throat, "And what would your name be?" You stared at him for a moment, before responding. "Y/N."

He hummed at your answer before asking "From where."

You averted your eyes from him, suddenly feeling judged, "I don't know, I was raised here, in the woods."

"Oh," he seemed truly shocked at your words, "I'm surprised you're still alive."

You hesitated before responding, "Thank you, I suppose."

"I can't imagine what it must have been like for you to grow up alone," he mused. This time you didnt hesitate before snapping back at him, "I wasn't alone, I was raised by my mother." His eyes widened at your quick response before his expression took on an excited look. "Oh, I'm the same."

You couldn't help but laugh at the notion. "I don't think we're exactly alike, but thank you for the sentiment." He looked at you with the same look he had when you first spoke, minus the pain. His hand grabbed yours, an almost dopey look on his face "You have a beautiful laugh."

You immediately changed the topic, "How are your wounds?" This seemed to if briefly, snap him out of his trance-like state. "Oh, much better now." He sat up, now without any pain. "Thank you very much for your kindness." 

And the dopey look is back.

The 'moment' didn't seem to last long, as the worst thing that can happen when you have a boy over, happened. Your mom came home.

Theseus quickly sprung to his feet, placing a protective hand on your shoulder. Your mother growled at the contact. The moment he reached for the sword on his hip was the moment you decided to step in. You placed a hand on his chest, stopping both him and your mother dead in their tracks.

"Theseus, this is my mother," you gestured to the bear that still looked like she wanted to maul him, mostly because she did. It took him a full 15 seconds to register what you meant. "O-oh." He slowly sunk to the ground. You went to your mother and quickly explained the situation to her. Her only response was to turn around and drag in a deer carcass.

That night, Theseus joined you and your family for dinner.

A/N: Just want to let all of you know this is not how you make bandages, treat wounds, or deal with bears, the only reason Theseus survives is that he's a demi-god.

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