part 1 : Freak!

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I enter the school glaring at everyone. I hate people and they hate me. Well more like their afraid of me. Its really not my fault of who I am. I was raised to be like this, sure I didn't have to kill those kids, but after what they did to Toby I couldn't help it. My anger got the best of me, and well, I lost control.
I have this ability to control people worst nightmares and see into their minds. I can also fade into the shadows and make people ignore or forget about me. I am approximately 15 years old and have strawberry blond hair and stomach grey eyes. I'm 5'7 and only have hips. My chest and butt aren't big. But that's good for me, so I won't draw to much attention. I walk into my dark dorm and set my suitcase down.
I never unpack it. I dress into my uniform and walk to the gate. I sit on classes and am not even noticed by the teachers... Weeks go by and no one has noticed my existence...  I guess thats good. But today I'm heading into the town because, well, I need some new clothes and also need to go to my therapist session. How fun right?
I enter the bright room, and clear my throat to get a woman's attention.
"Hello! You must be Trixie. I'm your councler, now let's start off with some basic questions." I sit though about 5 minutes before I walk out the door. I use my powers and make her forget about me.
I walk into the street, getting jostled by the people. I walk into a shop called weathervane, unobserved by almost all of the people. I sit in the booth watching the rain come down. I lean my head on the glass and let a few tears fall. My family got rid of me here, and I know they will forget about me, the same way no one notices me crying or even sitting here. I bend my fingers and shape the shadow into a rope.
The thought of dieing has often crossed my mind.... but sadly I am pulled out of my thoughts by a boy clearing this throat. I look up and see he is staring at me. He noticed me.... odd. I wipe my eyes and meet his. His eyes are like pools of jade and his hair is curly. He stands  around 6'3 and is looking like a giant compared to my malnourished frame.
"Do you want anything?" He asks with an odd look on his face.
"I can't. No money." I say to him.
He smiles and goes back to the counter. I itch my arm, it is itchy from the healing cuts. I cant stop itching, and soon blood is running down my arm. I watch it drip onto the pristine white sleeve. I pick up a napkin and wipe it away. I am startled when something is sat on my table. I look up and see the boy smilling down at me.
"I didn't know what you want, but I made a mocha latte. Free of charge." He says with an odd look on his face as he spots the bloody napkin.
"Thanks." I say genuinely happy he remembered  me. No not happy, startled and slightly scared.
"I'm Tyler by the way." He says
" I'm Trixie," i say, qnd as he walk away I mumble, "but you'll forget about me soon. Everyone does." I say. I take a sip and moan at the taste. This is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. I chug it down and stand up, only to be knocked over by a dark skinned girl with a fair skinned boy.
"Oops, sorry freak." She says to me even though we go to the same school.
"Guess i don't see living wastes of space much. " she says smirking. She turns to walk away, but stops and turns around and says something tha always pusses me off.
"Guess your parents thought the same, must be why they sent you here." She says.
I glare, and for a second loose control of my powers. She freezes and screams. I'm in her mind and controlling what she sees and feels. Right now she's being hit by a monster.
I regain control and stop, lucky  for her. I stand and cast a draw glance her way and smirk. She has a purple bruise growing on her face.
"Watch out for this freak." I say walking twords her. The fear in her eyes is evident.
"Boo!" I say. She turns and runs out, her minion following her. Just as they leave a man walks though the door.
"What happened?" He asks looking at Tyler who is starting at me.
"I-i don't exactly know..." he says
"Well something scared them." The man says. I now see he's a sheriff.
"Oh, they just got scared. Forget about it." I say waving my hand. I see his face go blank then return to normal.
"Well, ty'  can I have my normal?" He asks his eyes drifting over where I stand.
Tyler looks confused.  I turn and walk out of the store. I see the principle has left without me, as usual she forgot about me. And naturally I don't have a coat, and its pouring out. I walk donw the road for a bit before I realize I don't know where I'm going. I stand and try to flag down cars, but no one sees me. Oh well I guess this power does have some problems, like people not noticing a freezing girl bedside the road. I'm just about to give up when a truck slows down. I turn and see a young boy behind the wheel. I recognize the boy as Tyler.  He nods and gestures to the door.
I open it and get in, shivering.
"What are you doing out here?" He asks eyeing me.
"Oh. Heading to nevermore. My ride forgot about me." I say.
"Well your heading the wrong way. " he says and turns the truck around and heads back down the road.
"Oh." Is all I have to say.
"So, how did you do that?" He asks tuning to glance at me.
"Uh. I, erm, can mess with people minds, and didn't feel like dealing with the questions." I say.
"Oh. But no one seems to.... notice you.  Why?" He asks
"I don't really know. I was born that way. Its odd how you remebr me." I say staring out the window.
"Oh wow. Well here we are." He says stopping just outside the gates.
"Dont bleed to death on me, shadow." He says eyeing up my arms.
"Dont drown on me then Ty." I say, " life would be worse without you not here to remebr me." I don't know why I mentioned Drowning but and odd look passes on his face.
"Deal. See you around shadow." He says, but not before giving me his jacket.
"I cant." I say looking at it.
"You can. Take it. You need it more then me, just  think of it this way. You have to give it to me next time in town. " he says  as I get out.
"Well I guess, if you remeber me." I say. I tuen and walk away. Its only when I reach my room and am pulling off the jacket that I see a paper in the pocket.
994-221-3457~ call me.
Is wrote on it. I smile and lay on my bed, in a better mood then when I left.
So this story will only be updated once a day, but I hope you like! Vote comment and follow!
<3 olive

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