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Soooo, I hope all liked the last chapter..... That was my first smut scene ever so,yea, plz don't judge..

I Unzip his pants and am about to... well you know... when a knock sounds on my door. Who would be knocking? I don't remotley know anyone here. I ignore the knock which seemed to go away, and run my hands up and down his dick. He lets out a groan and I smirk, I am just about to put it in my mouth when the person knocks again, this time louder. 

" I have to get this..." I say looking apoligetically at Ty. he groans and sits up, fixing his pants. I stand, fixing my clothes and trying to smooth down my hair. I walk over to the door, and fling it open, rather agressivley. I see a student standing at the door.

" What the hell do you want?" I ask, glaring at the boy.

" Some normmies outside wanting to talk to you." He says looking at my attire.

" Okay, tell him to go away." I say matter of factly.

" Well, I can't really seeing as he is the sheriff and is also waiting with your parents." The guy says.

" Tell the sheriff I'll be out and tell my parents to go to hell." I say to him.

" Parents?" Tyler says comming out of the bathroom and stand's beside me. I note that the buldge is gone.

" I'll tell them..." The guy says then walks away.

" I thought your parents were gone."
" Same here..." I say. I dig the nails into the palms of my hands as I walk to the couch. Tyler pulls me onto his lap and wraps is arms around my waist.

" They definetley have no right to come and speak to you after what they did, but you do need to talk to my dad." He says to me. 

"Yea... I am sorry that guy interupted though..." I say smirking. Tyler smirks right back. I plant my lips on his, and we kiss quickly before i stand. 

" Need to get ready to see your dad. I don't think he'll like seeing me like this after hanging out with you." I joke, looking around, trying to find my thong. Tyler holds it's up, and I take it from him and pull them on. I then fix my uniform and fix my face and hair.

" And shade?"

" You really don't care that I'm a...."
" Hyde? No, you are a sweet caring guy, and personally I believe we all have our own demons." I say, turning around and giving him a hug. " so don'y hate yourself for it either." I say.

" Same for you Shadow." He says smilling down at me.

We walk out holding hands, and see my parents and his dad both standing at the gate looking pissed off. I roll my eyes and aproach the sheriff, ignoring my mom and dad.

" Sir." I say

" You parents here want to speak to you and discuss some matters, and I need to talk to my son here.

" My parents have no right to speak to me. They left me here and haven't contacted me in over three months. I refuse to talk to them." I say a little shakily. Tyler grips my hand, and I watch as my parents walk over to me.

" I see you found yourself another boy toy." My mother says with a evil smile.

" Hes not a-" 

" Quiet child. We are removing you from this school. You are coming home with us." My father says gripping my upper arm harshly. I know I am going to have bruises, and I really, really want to scream, but instead I look at them.

" No." I say simply. 

" What did you just say?" My father asks in a deadly tone.

" I-I said no,I won't come with you after all you've done." I say shaking. Tyler leaves his father and stands beside me.

" Let go of her. She is'nt going with you." He says.

" She isn't worth your time,boy, so don't waist it on this slut." My father says to Tyler. He glares at them.

" SHe isn't. Lets go shadow." He says. I grip his hand and turn and walk away.

" Get back here girl, you'll regret this! You don't know what he is!" My father shouts. I stop and turn to look at them.

" I do, and personally I don't give a damn. You're more of a monster then he'll ever be." With that we walk to the gates, sheriff in tow. Both of us stop so the sheriff can catch up to us.

" You know what he is?"  His dad asks.
" Yes. You do too?" I say

" Yes, hes been showing signs and his mother..."
" Was one?" Tyler says looking stunned.

" Yes." The sheriff says looking sad.

" Well, sheriff, I can assure you Tyler doesn't mean to do these killings. He is being used." I say looking the sheriff in the eyes.

" By who?" The sheriff asks, looking on guard.
" I cannot tell you now, because I have no proof, and there is no possible way for you to see what I have seen>" I say matter-of-factly.

" What do you mean?"

" Lets just say I know whats going on in more people minds then most of normal people know." I say, smirking.
" Also, will you please make sure my parents aren't allowed back here. I believe... Yes, if you look in the passenger seat cussion, you will find drugs and counterfiet money." I say

" What?"
" They are my parents. I know where they keep the stash."

With that me and Tyler head twords the car.

" If you don't mind, we both need a ride back. Her brother drove us all here and left earlier with Valera." Tyler says adressing his father.

" Her brother? With Vale?" 
" Not in that way, i assure you officer, he is nothing like me."
Me and Tyler sit in the back seat, he wraps his arm around my back, and I watch as we head back to town.

" I will have other officers check their car." Says the sheriff. I nod and close my eyes.




and follow plz

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