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We finish breakfast and leave the house, Tyler drops me off at nevermore, saying i still need education, but that he'll pick me up tommorow, which is also a school day, so I am very confussed right now. I arrive back in my dorm and change new clothes, meaning pulling on a new uniform.

I enter the class, sanity in-tact, well at least till someone knocks into me. I stand up and glare at them, then stop when I reaslise who it is.

" Ekros!!!!" I yell, jumping into a hug.

" I've decided I should finish my schooling, and what better place to do that at then nevermore?" He says.

" I'm so glad!! Here you can sit by me if you want!" I say grinning as I sit down in my usual spot.

" I don't want to kick you're friends out of that seat." He says looking around.

" Oh...." I say, my smile slipping a bit.
" Oh, god, I am so sorry I just realised what I said... I am sorry Trix." He says sitting down.
" Lets see what all classes we have together." I say pulling out my schedual, which i rarely ever follow.

" So it looks like we only have Chem and Trig together..." I say defeated, he isn't even have archery or fencing with me.

" Well at least we have that many. We also have lunch" He says pointing to the break.

" Ekkie, everyone eats lunch at the same time here, it's a bit odd to be honest, but you do need to make friends." I say smilling a bit, before grabbing out my binder, and opening it to my notes.

" Okay class, today we will be learning about how some chemical reactions fumes can be poisonus." The teacher says walking in. I get bored, and start doodling on my paper and what i doodle scares me a bit, till I realsie who it is. I drew Tyler in Hyde form, which is really creepy, I must say.

The rest of the classes are just as boring, except for fencing and archery. Those are my favorite classes. I excel most in them also, I guess I just have a passion for all thing sharp. By the time lunch comes around, Ekros is hanging out with some werewolf boys, and a few girls are tagging along baisically drooling. I never noticed it but i guess my brother is kind of good looking?

I approach the group, and Ekros drags me into the center of attention, which i call him. Everyone stops talking and looks at me.

" What are you doing with the freak?" One girl asks him. He looks at her with a slight glare.
"This is my sister, and if I hear you call her that one more time I swear I will break your neck." I grin at the girl
"Let's go eat Ekros." I say pulling him to a table.
================ a while later.=====
"I'm going to the weathervane to see Ty. Wanna come?" I ask ekros.
"No thanks I think I'll pass. Have fun though, no funny buisness." He says as I grab my coat.
"Yea yea." I say with a roll of my eyes as I walk out the door.
I enter the woods, and the sun is sinking lower in the sky. It is nice and quiet until I hear my name being called.
"Shadow?" I hear a voice say from behind a tree.
"Yes?" I ask knowing who it is because there is like exactly one person in this world who calls me Shadow.
"I will go get you some clothes. Wait here." I say, then shrug off the jacket and toss it to the tree.
"I'll be back soon dont worry." I continue walking till I find his house. Once again I sneak in the window and grab some clothes for him.
I walk back and toss them over to the tree before turning away from it. It meaning Tyler obviously.
"Your-your good." His voice says.
I turn around and see him. His face is pale, and coverd in blood, and he is sharing.
"Tyler...." I say. I walk over and pull him into a hug.
"Lets get back and get you cleaned up." I lead him to the house and have him sit on the edge of the bathtub as I clean off all the blood.
I unbutton his shirt and clean his chest, noticing none of the blood is his. I put his shirt back on and look at him.
"You remebr don't you?" I ask taking his hands in mine. He nods.
"You need to know that she is juts controlling you. It isn't your fault."
"How can you know for certain? I mean its still me doing the killing." He says standing up and walking out. I follow him. I grab his arm and spin him around.
Tears are running down his face and his eyes are bloodshot. Only now do I see the bags under his eyes have gotten worse.
"I know because you-" I say placing my hand on his chest, "-you are not like me. You are the light. You may have a monster in you, but we all do. You just can't control yours. Someone else is controlling it. Not. You." I say, looking into his eyes. 
He looks away and just sits on the bed with a blank stare.
I sit beside him and hug him. He bursts his face in my chest and cries. We stay like this for a while, till I hear his dad come home.
"Ty, your dad-"
"Dont worry. I'll take care of him. You get ready for bed." He says standing up. I nod. I change into a older looking shirt of his and keep on the set of his boxers. He comes in about 20 minutes later, and he is carrying some food with him. I grin as I see eggs on the plate.
He passes me one, and sits down beside me, eating some of his. We finish our dinner, and my eyelids feel heavy.
He lays down beside me and pulls me into his chest.
"How can you live a monster like me?" He asks burying his face in the crook of my neck .
"A old acquaintance of mine once asked something. She said to draw a monster. Only after thr class had, she asked why it was a monster. A monster isn't something that looks scary or different, or even a murder. The real monster are the people that lead the person to be a monster. You aren't the monster. Thornhill is." I say softly. I close my eyes and fall asleep, not hearing entthing else that was said.

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