request by@itsjustvictoriaduh

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(HI another request  by@itsjustvictoriaduh but its rowan x reader)

[You and rowan  go to the festival  yall both split up because  yall went to  play different  games after splitting  up with  rowan . Rowan  bumps  into wednesday  and wednesday  has a  vision  then she follows  rowan]

Rowan: stop following  me

Wednesday : your in deep trouble

Rowan: I think your in big trouble  actually

[ rowan  chokes wednesday  with his telekinesis] 

Wednesday: rowan, rowan, rowan

[ rowan  gets hurt hut doesn't  die]

[You get into the hospital  were rowan  was you stayed  there every day cause he was your only friend  cause you never talked  to anyone except  for your child hood best friend]

[Rowan  wakes up after 2 weeks he sees you laying next  to him]

[  taps you the shakes you to wake up and ask you what the hell happened ]

rowan: what the fuck happened  y/n

You: you got hurt in the forest  you were last seen with wednesday

[Rowan  gets a flash back]

You:I been here waiting  for you to wake up I was here every  week

Rowan: thank you  y/n this is why I can alway count on you

You: ofc you can I love to see you happy and I love you hang out with you every day

[ rowan  blushes]

Rowan: actually  y/n You know I said I liked Enid  well I don't I just said that cause I didn't  want to tell you the truth  I thought  you didn't  like me back I actually  like you I always  have since we were kids

[ Your eyes were wide open you found your self kissing  rowan]

(Ik this is short but  more credit  to @itsjustvictoriaduh yall can always  ask for more reguest i dont mind)

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