Reguest byRaven_Karma_Valkrum

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(HI  this is  young. Gomez x reader also  credit  to the person who requested  him @Raven_Karma_Valkrum hope you enjoy)


[you and Gomez and  Morticia and  Weems were all friends you and Gomez and Morticia and Weems were hanging out at the nightshade library  enjoying until you all had to go back to class you were enjoying the class until they started talking about the raven you didn't really like the raven cause you didn't have anybody to with ]

Teacher: ok class settle down I know  the raven is coming up tomorrow but that doesn't mean you have to act up 

class: yes Maam

[after class you met up with the group aka you Gomez Morticia and Weems]

Gomez: who are you taking  to the dance Morticia  

[he  always seems he liked Morticia]

Morticia : I'm taking Weems cause she asked me out 

Weems: yep 

Gomez: I'm so happy for you hey y/n who are you taking to the raven

You: I'm not going to the raven I don't have anybody to go with

Gomez: hey y/n I don't have a dance either  and I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me

You: you probably just want to go to the dance as friends 

Gomez: no y/n I mean it I actually like you when I first lade eyes on you 

[you were eye wide]

[you and Morticia and Weems went dress shopping ]

[you and Morticia and Weems went dress shopping ]

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Weems dress:


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Your dress:

Young Gomez  suit:

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Young Gomez  suit:

[after going dress shopping you  went to your room to go write a story on your type writer]

[after getting late at nigh you woke up with breakfast on your lap that Gomez made you after eating and hanging out for the past hour it was time for the raven  Gomez left  to get change you got changed and left you seen Morticia and Weems dancing it was so cute then you see Gomez come out and walk too you with a black flower your fav flower ]

you: aww ty so much

Gomez: no problem my love 

[ a song was starting so Gomez grabbed your wrist and started dancing with you after that he leaned you back then up then yall kissed]

( ik this is a short part but i hope you enjoy it @Raven_Karma_Valkrumi hope you like it]

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