request by@Nevermorangels

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(Hi this is a Tyler x reader i hope you enjoy requested by@nevermorangels)

[You  went to a total  different  school  until you got expelled  for something you didn't do so you are going to nevermore academy  you were  driving  to the academy   after you got there you went to the principle  with your family her name is Ms. Weems)

Ms. Weems: Hi welcome  to  nevermore academy

Your family: Hi we are so happy you can take y/n

Ms. Weems: oh no it's fine we are happy to do that  one of are students are gonna show y/n around 

your family: are ty [ they start leaving]

MS Weems : can I please have Enid come down to help a formal student

teacher: alr she will be down in a second 

[Enid gets down there]

Enid: Hey principle Weems  what can I help you with

Ms. Weems : yes Enid I  do need your help i need you to show are new student around also she will be  your new roommate 

Enid : Yay I get a new roommate 

[ Enid shows you around and your room after showing you around she ask you if you would like to go to the weather vane]

Enid: would you like to go to the  weather vane 

You: ofc I would like to go to the weather vane with you

[you get to the weather vane and see a guy that needs help with machine after helping him he ask for your name]  

Tyler: what's your name I'm Tyler

You: im Y/n

Tyler: can i get your number you seem nice

You: sure

[you give him your number]

(HI  we are skipping  we are gonna start when you find out about the monster)

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(HI  we are skipping  we are gonna start when you find out about the monster)

[you and Tyler found out about the monster and you and him go hunting for the monster but it wasn't there you get back and  to nevermore ]

[A week later]

You: hey Enid  wanna go hunting for the monster with me and Tyler 

Enid: I'm not sure if I wanna go but fine only if you wear what I made you

[ you put on the thing she made also she did to you and Enid meet with Tyler and get into his car]

[you Enid Tyler go looking for the monster until yall heard something  after the noise you see Xavier then Tyler goes missing then you see the monster coming  and  yall start moving until the monster grabs you and it claws you right in the legs so you cant moved after  he  dropped you and ran away then Xavier comes after so you start thinking its  Xavier after getting hurt Enid And Tyler  . Tyler picks you up and brings you back to nevermore and takes you to the nurse so you can get better] 

[A few weeks later after getting hurt you and Tyler start dating  then you find out that tyler was the Hyde and  MS Thornhill was the monster 

( I Think I'm gonna stop right there ik these are short and I'm sorry also my request are still open and more credit   request by@nevermorangels)

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