request by @BlueBellMoonBell

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(HI this is a request  by @BlueBellMoonBell  lets get I to this)

[y/n is new to the nevermore academy   she is Wednesday girlfriend she is a demon' she gets a room with Wednesday]  

wed: hey y/n !

Y/n: hey  Wednesday!! [Wednesday shows  y/n around  the school and  you get a room with Wednesday 

[You and wednesday  have time and fun  you had fun with wednesday  and enid .Enid is wednesday  best friend  and your her best girlfriend]
[After a few months of staying there hanging with both of them you were getting  picked on by Bianca Barclay  she didn't  like you at all she would Bully you when wednesday  wasn't  there Biancab Barclay would usually say thing about y/n  but this time she messed up big time she was gonna say something about y/n dead mother]

[ You were walking  to your next class and you didn't  have wednesday  in this class ]

Bianca: who let this freak out!

[You hated Bianca so you just went to sit next to enid ]

[After the class enid told wednesday  what happened  and she didn't  like it ]

[You and wednesday  and enid were sitting  together until Bianca  came in]

Bianca: hey y/n! It's almost  family weekend  day is your mother gonna come oh wait she is dead

[Y/n started  crying   then everyone  started  staring  at her cause her tears were black ]

[Wednesday got so mad she challenge  her to a sword fight without mask again and who ever gets first blood wins  . They start  to fight until  wednesday  cut Biancas hand so Bianca  hand wad bleeding  so bad that she had to stay in the nurse  area for a week . Let's just say nobody  messed  with y/n or wednesday  after that]   

[ the only  reason  Bianca  Barclay  messed  with y/n cause she liked Wednesday

(Ik this is short but this is all what I can think of from what I got from the person so I hope you enjoy. More credit  request  by@BlueBellMoonBellmention my request  are still open)

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