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Third-Person POV:

5 years ago 1980

"I.Don't.Want.Too. I want nothing to do with this dad I want no part of your business, I'm only 15 years old! How do you expect me to do all this."  Damien yelled at his father.

His father grabbed him firmly by his shoulders, tightening his grip eventually leaving marks and finger shaped bruised later.

"Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear you complain, you're what's left of the "Sierra" bloodline, you're going to make me proud son whether you like it or not. But first unfortunately we gotta cut off our ties with everyone that's holding you back."

Damien's eyes began to swell up with tears, trying to avoid them from falling before his father can give him a reason to cry about. His father-Micheal. Released his grasp on his shoulders before turning his entire body around to look at the many packages of different kinds of drugs in a shady storage unit next to another shady home.

"Especially those brats of sisters you have." Micheal side-eyes Damien, studying his face, his face full of fear and pain, watching the tears he was holding in spill out.

"What do you mean, cut off ties" Damien says shakily and hesitantly.

"From here on out, your sisters are going to think your dead. Everyone. The only ones who are going to know all about this is me and the family of our business partners who are going to help you run this business and teach you before, I and the rest of the family leave to Indiana to expand our business. You will have zero contact with your sisters or anyone you're close too. You'll be living as a damn ghost to keep our business alive." Micheal turns to Damien once more before giving him a widened, evil smile.

"No! I don't want this! You can't fucking force me to do this crap!" Damien began to sob, struggling to catch a breath before his father gives him a cold hard smack across his face.

"YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. YOU LISTEN TO ME LITTLE SHIT. You're doing this and so help me if I ever, EVER, find out you that you found a way out of this, I will kill you myself." Micheal grabbed Damien by the collar of his shirt slightly lifting him in the air, grinding his teeth in anger out of him. "Understand? Son?"

"Y-Yes, I understand." Micheal lets go of Damien's shirt collar throwing him to the ground causing Damien to break down on the cold metal floor of the storage unit taking in that his life was over.


Thursday, December 30th, 1985
In-N-Out Burger, California

Mickayla's POV:

I had completely forgotten about that stupid party, the incredibly weird deja vu in that stranger, everything

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I had completely forgotten about that stupid party, the incredibly weird deja vu in that stranger, everything. The second I got back to the Byers, I immediately tried calling Billy, but no answer. I tried again this morning. No answer. Shit I even tried calling Max and no answer. I just hope he was okay, and hopefully not with some girl in his bed.

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