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SCARS & STARS © fragilehazeHARRY POTTER ! MARAUDER'S ERA( remus lupin / fem!oc )

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SCARS & STARS © fragilehaze
( remus lupin / fem!oc )

SCARS & STARS © fragilehazeHARRY POTTER ! MARAUDER'S ERA( remus lupin / fem!oc )

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Katherine Vu was 6 years old when she was first stung by a bee. She ran inside crying and sobbing, upset that her arm hurt so much. The first thing her mother did was sigh, wondering what could be the cause of such noise, when her mother saw her swollen arm, she did not run off to the bathroom to find a remedy, she did not wipe the tears away from her crying child's eyes, no.

The first thing she did was tell the small girl to stop crying, that her sobs were too loud, and that her emotions were too seen.

Katherine never cried in front of her parents again.

At least not on purpose. Kat could remember a couple of times when she did cry, sometimes when her parents would raise their voices at her she couldn't stop the tears from running down her rosy, hot cheeks. She felt humiliated every time.

Kat felt life was far too busy for showing emotions, she would rather be keeping her perfect scores in school, or making her parents proud with her behavior.

Kat didn't need to cry,

Kat needed to be enough.

But it wasn't as easy as it sounded, especially not when her life felt like it was tearing apart like a delicate piece of parchment.

She was alone.

Alone people are alone for a reason. Could you be enough even when you're alone?

She wasn't alone for long though, she had Remus Lupin to thank for that. He suddenly appeared with his kind smile and comfortable presence. Remus Lupin was all that Katherine needed to feel like she was enough. Remus Lupin was Katherine's star.

And with a star as bright as Remus Lupin, she could almost forget all her scars.


This is 1/4 of my new marauder's series!! This story will center more on Kat's life and will go on to the romance a little later. This story also might be a little short, maybe about 20-30 parts but we'll see! I really hope it ends up fine so please give it some love! <3 Also pls let me know if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes or ignore them, I'll try my best to not leave any!!


This story will talk a lot about mental health and might include a few mentions of suicide, so please keep this in mind before reading!


Credit to JK Rowling for the Harry Potter characters, settings, and plot. ( I DO NOT support her actions at all whatsoever ) But the rest of the plot and oc's are mine! Credits to the original Tumblr users for the unedited gifs!

love, miya! <3

SCARS & STARS, remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now