07. letter

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Katherine wasn't used to receiving love from her parents. She never truly felt loved by her parents. Actions like hugs always felt empty to her. Her parents loved her, she knew they did, but she wasn't sure how much they did. 

She never considered herself close to her mother or father. They seemed like distant people to her. Not to mention that she barely knew them, they hid stuff, and she knew they did. Little secrets lay all over her home but she always ignored them. It was better if she never knew, maybe it was all better this way.

Kat never got letters from her parents. Ever since her first year she never got a single letter from her mother or father. At first, it was a bit hard for an 11-year-old to watch all the other kids happily opening letters from their loved ones while she had nothing, but as third year came by she was used to it. She didn't mind it. She didn't mind the feeling of feeling unloved.

"Katherine." Her roommate Emmeline called her.

"Hm?" She asked.

"I think this letter is for you." She handed her a white envelope with neat handwriting on it that displayed her full name. "I found it in the owlery and I picked it up since you never go."

"Oh, thanks." She smiled. She looked at the small envelope with curiosity. If her parents were finally writing to her, it probably wasn't good news.

"Oh and, happy birthday." Emmeline peeked her head back into the room and gave her a wide smile before leaving.

Kat was left alone on her bed with the letter in her hand. She quietly ripped open the envelope and was met with her mother's elegant handwriting.

Dear Katherine,

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you that your father has left. He has sent me a letter letting me know that he will not be coming home. He has left us, but we have each other. Your father has been making choices, ones that I do not support. We cannot let that affect us, we have to be strong. If he ever contacts you promise me you'll let me know. He is a dangerous man. 

I love you, Katherine. I'm sorry if I fail to show you that.

Sincerely, your mother

Kat slowly reread the letter. Five words stood out to her the most, "He is a dangerous man.". Katherine couldn't believe it, she didn't believe it. She didn't believe her father to be dangerous. He didn't have what it takes to be considered dangerous. 

Her father was someone Kat looked up to. He was a pureblood but married a muggle-born even after his parents disapproved of the relationship, he would always talk to others with kindness and respect. Her dad was a good person, she never doubted that once.

Kat soon found herself walking up to the astronomy tower. It wasn't dark out yet, instead, an orangey color painted the sky. She sat on the step on top of the tower and looked out into the distance.

She wondered how her mother was doing. She knew her mother was strong, but she also knew her mother loved her father. She remembered what had happened in the station with her mom, her mother said she had something to tell her. She could only wonder what it was. She wondered if it have to do with the reason why her father left.

"Hey Kat." Remus greeted quietly.

Kat's head turned to see Remus who was now sitting a few inches away from him.

"Hi." She replied. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I saw you coming up here so I wanted to see what you were doing." 

Earlier he had seen the girl walking toward the astronomy tower. The last time she was in the astronomy tower she hadn't seemed very happy. He wondered if something had happened.

Kat nodded and looked at the sky.

"So...what are you doing here?" Remus asked.

"Just...wondering how much worse everything could possibly go for me." She let out an airy laugh.

Remus looked at the girl with worry. He wondered if he was bad luck. Ever since they met Kat seemed to be having a hard time, or maybe that's how it always was for her.

"My dad left." She blurted out. She wasn't expecting herself to be telling Remus Lupin her issues but she desperately wanted to talk about it to someone and he happened to be right next to her. "He left my mom and me." She said again.

Remus's gaze stayed on the girl. Her words were sad but her face stayed still. 

"My mom said he's...dangerous." She said hesitantly. The thought of her father being dangerous scared her greatly.

Kat returned her gaze from the sky to the boy next to her. "It's just...my dad is so- I just don't believe he could be a threat."

 Remus didn't know Kat's father but he saw the scared look on her face. Kat didn't believe her father was a bad person and maybe she was right. These were scary times, people were in fear and fear does terrible things to good people.

"You don't have to say anything," Kat said. "I just wanted to tell someone." Her voice sounded weak.

"You can always talk to me," Remus said honestly. "I know how hard is to keep things to yourself."

Katherine turned to meet his gaze and gave him a weak but meaningful smile.

"Oh, and.." He remembered something as he reached for something in his pocket. "Here." He handed her a small bracelet. It was silver with small stars on it.

"What's this for?" Kat asked in curiosity.

"It's your birthday." He answered.

Kat looked at him curiously. "How'd you know?" 

"I asked your roommate Emmeline." He replied with a sheepish smile. "I asked Lily for help and she said this would match you."

Lily Evans knows who I am? She thought to herself. "Thanks." She smiled widely looking at the bracelet. "It's really pretty."

Remus smiled proudly at the fact that he had just made Kat smile and he looked back at the sky. The sky was now dark and the stars sparkled brightly Kat realized that for the first time, the stars weren't the only ones keeping her company.

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