29. summer house

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Kat can't remember a truly enjoyable summer that she's had

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Kat can't remember a truly enjoyable summer that she's had. Most of them were filled with boring days in her small room and reading all week on her unmade bed, but she assumed summers were different for people like James Potter.

She guessed he would come here every summer and invite a couple of his friends. They would go for late-night swims and play a strange amount of dumb teenage games like Truth or Dare. She guessed that Lily Evans would read a book on the sand while Sirius and Marlene would race towards the beach and demand a rematch after one of them lost.

Katherine stood in front of the Potter's huge blue-colored beach house with her bag slung over her shoulder. The salty sea air hit her face and blew her bangs messily around her face.

Kat didn't know how the Gryffindor friend group would treat her, they were the type of friend group that people hoped so desperately to be a part of. There was something about them that was so real and admirable. Katherine Vu was certainly not viewed as real or admirable.

She was sure that if her classmates heard that she spent the summer at James Potter's gorgeous summer house, they would surely laugh and decide that it was just a foolish rumor.

Hell, they'd probably ask who Katherine Vu was.

But now, she had walked towards the off-white door and brought up her hand to knock on it, but her hand couldn't seem to move. Maybe it was better if she ran away and slept on the beach, perhaps she should go to a nearby muggle house and ask if she could stay there for the next three days.

"Kat! You're here!" The familiar voice of Lily Evans exclaimed behind her. Before Kat could greet her back, Lily pulled her into a short hug, "When Remus told me you were coming I was super excited," Lily smiled as she opened the door to the blue house with Kat following behind her. "Everyone else is at the beach. I didn't really feel like going out today." She shrugged.

Kat stepped into the cold house that was warmly decorated. She remembered how sweet Mrs. Potter was and the house represented her perfectly.

"I was about to make some cookies, wanna help?" Lily asked, "Only if you want to, of course. You must be tired from coming all the way here."

Kat shook her head and gave a reasurring smile, "I'm fine,"

Lily smiled, "Your room is at the end of that hall," She pointed at the end of the hallway next to them, "I'll be in the kitchen."

Kat nodded and made her way through the hallway, slightly peeking into the rooms along the way, her eyes widening with each glance at the pretty decorated rooms. Once she stepped into the untouched room at the end of the hall she threw her bag on the bed and rushed over to the kitchen where Lily was putting an apron over her head.

Kat shyly made her way to the sink and washed her hands before asking what she could help with. It wasn't hard to feel comfortable in the unfamiliar house with Lily Evan's undeniable sweetness.

The two girls clumsily made a batch of sugar cookies. The kitchen filled with giggles and flour-stained aprons. After the fresh cookies were pulled out of the oven and the girls finished cleaning up, Kat made her way to her room and threw herself on the soft bed.

Exhaustion ust have taken over her because she found herself falling into a trance of sleep.

She awoke to the light sunlight hitting her face warmly. Her eyelids fluttered open and Katherine slowly observed the unfamiliar, cozy room she had forgotten she was in.

After properly waking up, she quietly walked towards the big window on the side of her room and watched as the sun rose on top of the quiet sea. Her eyes caught of glimpse of a familiar figure sitting on the sand and her mouth came up into a smile.

She swiftly ran to her bag that still lay on her bed and pulled out her floral, one-piece bathing suit. She quickly dragged it on top of her body and threw on her knitted sweater.

She softly stepped through the house, not wanting to wake anyone up. She looked for the back door and after a couple of head turns she spotted it and made her way outside.

She didn't pay any mind to the cold morning breeze that went through her tangled hair and ran towards the beach where Remus was.

"Hi," She breathed out with a sheepish smile as she kneeled to sit beside him.

Remus looked up with a surprised expression on his face, "Kat," He acknowledged and stared at her smiling face for a couple of seconds, "Hi," He had said in almost a whisper, he couldn't believe how much he missed her face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, looking out into the ocean.

Remus followed her actions and now they were both looking at the sea, "Just," He paused "Just watching the sunrise,"

Katherine nodded, "It's pretty,"

Remus turned to look at her face one more time and back at the ocean, "Yeah," The two stayed quiet for a while.

"Is the water cold?" Kat suddenly asked.

"No," Remus shook his head.

Kat smiled brightly, "Race you," She said before getting up, taking off her sweater, and running off to the water quickly.

Remus up at her in surprise and smiled before running after her.

Kat looked back at Remus who was trailing behind her and laughed.

Remus made sure to not run his fastest to let Katherine run in front of him and laughed at the way she smiled happily at her victory.

Katherine stopped when the water was just deep enough, "I won!"

"Yeah right," Remus caught up to her, "You cheated," He smirked.

"How so?!" Kat looked at him like he was crazy and he laughed. "You're just angry that I'm faster than you," She smiled proudly and giggled, "And as the winner, I think you should give me something,"

"Like what?"

"I don't know," Katherine brushed her wet hair out of her face, her proud smile still plastered on her face. Her thoughts trailed off as she thought of a proper prize for her victory.

Remus looked at the girl who was across from him and watched as the warm sun kissed Kat's face. She had the perfect smile that she always had, the one that made his heart speed up.

He wanted to kiss her.

He wanted to kiss her ever since he last saw her. He wanted to kiss her like the way he did in the astronomy tower.

He reached for her hand under the water, and Katherine's heart sped at the sudden contact but she didn't move back.

Remus leaned in and when he took notice of Kat's eyes fluttering closed he smiled as he brought his lips onto hers.

Kat felt Remus's lips turn into a smile as he closed the gap between the two. His hand stayed intertwined with hers and his other hand came onto the side of her face where he pulled her closer.

Katherine Vu couldn't think of anything better to get for her win.

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