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Schatje: Are you still mad at me?

Yes I am but you don't need to know all of that.

EH: No not really.

Schatje: You still love me?

EH: Yes

Schatje: When are you coming home to me?

EH: Tomorrow

Schatje: Have you eaten something yet? Is the kids okay?

Oh God this is why I love him. We are, well I am at war with him and he cares enough to ask if I've eaten already. Truth be told I am actually a room away from him. I told Jermaine to tell him I was at my mother's because I was going to go to my Mom's but I couldn't. I know I would miss being away from him too much. The kids are there though.

And knowing how creative my mother can get in the kitchen they already had something to eat. Mydi told me she told him to give me time and since I came back from Italy he sees to surprise me. Back then he'd say "Give her time for what? Time to waste a few hours out of her life? Well guess what she wouldn't be getting me to give her anytime. Keep in mind time is money." Now he is giving me time.

EH: Yes and Yes

Schatje: Are you still feeling sick from this morning?

EH: No I am just a little tired and that's all.

Schatje: Well I would like for you to get some sleep I love you, Good night xx

EH: Goodnight I love you too xxxxx

I lay there in the bed for a while thinking and slowly drifting off in a dreamless sleep. I woke up to the smell of coffee which tells me Mr. Clancy is already up. I got out of the room, two rooms down to Malik and I's room and headed downstairs. I want to see him badly I feel like I haven't seen or feel him in ages. As I was about to hit the stairs I felt the all too familiar feeling in my throat and I ran back up the stairs and headed to Malik and I' bathroom and straight to the toilet throwing up everything that I at for dinner yesterday evening.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and I know its Malik, he stood behind me and move my hair out of the way. A few minutes later when I finished throwing up Malik handed my toothbrush with some toothpaste on it, I did not hesitate I took it one time and start brushing my teeth. I could feel him staring daggers at me because once again, he saw him throwing up and I know when I am finish and he ask me to go to the doctor i will say no. I finally finish and he stood there watching me.

"No I am not going to the doctors."

"Seriously? This is the not the first time I caught you throwing up."

"And this is not the first time i told you I don't want to go to the ER."

"Eve you do not listen."

"Malikai we need to get to work."

"Forget work we need to get to the ER."

"Forget work? Dude I am sure you do not want out on the Celeste case."

And with that I walked away leaving him standing in the bathroom. The way I saw him getting on over the death of Celeste was not what I had expected. I thought he was over her but I was wrong, it is okay for him to not feel okay because Celeste died and he is human and he has a heart. But the way in which he behave it was not what I expected at all. I think he and Celeste had way more than just sex on their plates.

I am not saying it is good that she died but still what does Malik expect me to feel when he is acting this way. I went in my closet and take out the outfit I plan to wear and headed to the bathroom, I took a shower and got ready as soon as I could then headed down stairs to find Mr. Handsome doing what seems to be waiting for me.

"Are you going to give me a ride to work?" I asked taking an apple from the fruit basket

"This is about Celeste isn't it?" he said not watching me and the way he looks says he is going to start an argument this morning but I might as well start it for him.

"The fact that she is dead and the first few hours you founded out about it you gave me the cold shoulders, no it is not about Celeste and if you do not mind I am going to drive myself to work."

I grab my briefcase and my purse and headed out. I got into my car and went to work. About three minutes after I reached he walked in. He came over to me and sat at my desk and we stared daggers at each other until he broke the silence.

"Look babe I am sorry, I don't know why I acted the way I did."

"I know though, you two where falling for each other."

"No she might had fallen for me but I, my heart was cold until you came back. It was colder than ice itself."

"So what is it then?"

"It's just that I was shocked I did not expected it to happen."

I looked deep in his eyes and see that he wasn't lying and I somewhat felt relief. Why am I all jealous over a dead woman? I walked over to the other side of my desk and sit in his lap and gave him a mind blowing kiss. After we pulled away we looked into each other eyes and then Captain Samuel spoke.

"Detective Harmony would you mind if I borrow him for a few minutes."

I blushed then say "Sure you can borrow him." I got of Malikai's lap and went around back to my seat, when Malikai and Captain Samuel walked off Mydi came.

"Hey you." I smile

"I see you've made up with your Schatje." she smiled and I nodded blushing hardcore

"We have to meet Buddy in the lab now so let's go." we made our way down to the lab and in no time we were there.

"Morning Bud what can we do for you?" I said cheerily, in the room was Rayon, Buddy, Mydi and I, not the whole team. This is not how it is supposed to be, when we make a big discovery the whole team is normally here.

"Where is everyone else?" Rayon asked

"I only called you three." Buddy answered

"Okay..." I trailed off

"So what's up?" Mydi asked

"We found a hair sample at the crime scene and I ran it and found a match."

"Thank god! You got me worried for a minute there." I signed in relief

"That's not what you should be worried about."

"What should I be worried about?"

"The match."

"Who's the match?" Rayon asked

"Eve." Buddy said sternly

"What? There got to be some sort of mistake."

"I thought the same thing that's why I ran in seventeen times." Buddy said

"Well I was at the crime scene my hair could have gotten there when I came close to inspect Celeste body." I said

"Exactly." Ray and Mydi said in unison

"The only thing wrong with that statement is that I retrieve the hair sample before you and Malikai got there." Buddy said

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