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Chapter 12

Why do I feel this way? Why am I obsessing over this? I've already moved on with someone else. I am happy so why is Celeste dead taking a hold on me?

"Rayon? Jermaine brief me." Eve said emotionless

"W-What?" Rayon stuttered

"Maken dit niet meer moeilijk voor mij dan het al is." she spoke Dutch in a sad voice

If only I could understand. When she was offering me listens why didn't I take it? After a minute or so Ray cleared his throat and began speaking.

"Celeste Morris, female, 29 years old died from multiply trauma to the head, she show no sign of self-defense. She died approximately six hours ago." Rayon finished

"Any signs of forced entry?" I blurt out, all eyes on me

"No, which means on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say an 8 that she knew the person." Jermaine said

"I am leaving, they are obviously no more work I need to do. Until I get info from Sudan or Buddy." Mydi said walking towards the entrance "I never liked her anyway." she said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Myd wait up I'll catch a ride with you back at the Precinct." Eve said running behind her

She didn't even glance over at me, she just left. We came here together and before she ask if I am ready or tell me she is ready, she just leaves with her best friend.

Which reminds me...

"Rayon what did Eve say to you in Dutch a while ago?" I asked

"Go asked her Clancy." she said not even making eye contact

"I want to hear it from you." I said sternly

"I do not have time for you right now Malikai. I am working."

Now I am getting pissed, I walk over to him and drew him across the room and he landed in the wall with an 'oomph' sound. No I am not over reacting, whenever Evy talks to Rayon in Dutch means 1. It is important and 2. She doesn't want me to know.

"Alright! Alright! She said don't make this harder for me than it is already."

What is she talking about? Make what harder? Instead of asking myself these questions that I obviously don't have answers to why not ask the person that made the questions?

I walked out of the crime scene and went straight to my car. I really want to talk to Eve, the way in which this all was acted out, I do not like it. I drove with full speed back to the Precinct and at the moment I entered the building, I made a run for the elevator. I got in and headed to my floor anxiously waiting to see Eve.

I just hope she is not mad. When the elevator door open and I walked out she was sitting at her desk with Mydi talking. I walked over to them and the minute Mydi saw me she told Eve. I didn't care what Mydi wanted to do after all she is not my responsibility.

"Eve babe can I talk to you?"

"Ah Malikai I am sorry not right now." she got up and walked off.

When was that about? Mydi looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. Am I the only one that is oblivious to what's going on between Eve and I? First Rayon gave me the leave-me-alone shoulders when I asked him what she said.

Which is not like him unless of course something is wrong and now here we are with Mydi giving me the disappointment look. I really would like to know what is going on. A few hours ago we were home talking about going to the doctor and Eve all over me and now she wouldn't even as much as look me in the eye. I am going to lose my mind in a minute now.


The rest of the day flew by in a blink of an eye, it is now minutes to 8 o'clock and I haven't speak to Eve yet. The whole of today Eve avoided me. When she saw me on the left she took the right when she couldn't take the left or the right she turn off to the closes room near her.

Mydi was actually nice to tell me give her time, she will come around but refuse to tell me what I have done wrong. She told me it is not her place to tell me. I grab my stuff and made my way to Eve's desk only she was not there. At this time she is normally signing off and getting ready to go home but today I do not know what she is thinking.

"She is not here she left already." Jermaine said breaking my train of thoughts

"Like seriously?"

"Yep she left, I asked her if she needed a ride she said no she'd just take a cab."

"Just like that?"

"Yes just like that, only she told me to tell you she has the kids and she is staying at her mom's tonight?"


"Look Malik I am only the messenger, you don't break the messenger you break the sender."

I did not bother to pay any more attention to that crazy man, I walked to my car and headed home as in Eve's house that is my home now. On my way I silently prayed that Eve changed her mind and was home waiting for she and I to have a serious talk. When I burst the door open and realize the house is in complete darkness and I do not hear my two little angels' small footsteps in the house it broke my heart. I did not feel for anything to eat so I just went to the room took a shower and headed to bed. I twist and turn knowing since my Baby is not here I won't be sleeping anytime soon I got up and went for my phone in the pants that I wore to work pocket and send Eve a message.

MC: Hey

About an hour of waiting she finally replied, I am going to do what Mydi said to do and give her time. I won't be asking her about anything that happened today so instead I just decided on having a today-did-not-happen conversation.

Babe: Hi

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