Chapter 6

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Loving you is a losing game

Daniel was buried deep under the covers. Right after he came back from his stroll he took a shower and hid in his blankets. Even though it was just four in the afternoon he felt like he hadn't slept for days. It didn't help either that his mind was racing in circles. He couldn't get his thoughts away from a certain brown-haired boy. His arms clinging around a spare pillow wishing it would have been Max laying in his arms. Just when he felt his eyes close there was a soft knock on his door. A sigh escaped his lips before he pushed his body out of the warm blankets surrounding him. 

 Wondering who would interrupt him, knowing the rest of the team slept either at home or in a different hotel it could only be one person. Upon opening the door his mind immediately went into panic mode. Max stood outside his door leaning against the wall. His cheeks were stained with tears and his hands shaking rapidly. It was clear his breathing was going way too fast and he had a difficult time holding himself up. Daniel stepped outside and took the boy in his arms. Gently guiding him into his room. Walking towards the couch he sat Max down before hurrying back to close the door.

After returning to Max he took in his state. His eyes were red from all the crying he did, hands and legs shaking and breathing rapidly. He knew Max had slipt into a panic attack. He had seen it happen before, not many but twice. Both of them after an encounter with his dad. He knew he had to do something quickly, or else things could get dangerous. Max has panic attacks quite often if he had to believe his sister. The last time he got him out while talking him through it, he decided to do that. 

"Max, it's me, Daniel. Can you hear me?" Daniel tried while taking a hold of Max's hands Max didn't give any response. "Max, please look at me." Daniel tried again. Max kept staring into the distance. Not knowing what to do he decided to call Victoria as his only option. Quickly pulling out his phone he searched for her contact. After finishing it he dialed her number hoping for her to pick up. 

"Hi Daniel, how are you?" She answered happily. I sighed softly. "Hi Vic, I need your help. Max is having a panic attack and I can't get him out." Daniel spoke quickly. "Oh shit, have you tried talking to him?" She asked. "Of course, but he doesn't react." "Alright, how bad is it?" Daniel never left his eyes off Max. "He's shaking and his breathing is irregular. It looks like he had been crying." He answered. "Did he talk to my dad?" Victoria asked. "I don't know, not important right now. We need to get him out of this." Daniel got to the point. "Alright, I know you tried talking to him but try to talk to him." She said. Daniel seemed confused before he got on to what she was saying.

"Max." Daniel started. Sitting down in front of him, Max's hands in his, trying to look for his eyes. "Please come back to me. I don't know what happened but I can't help you before you come back." He tried. "Try more," Victoria said through the phone. "Max please look at me. Try to follow my breathing alright?" I asked softly. Max looked at me but still not giving any response. I locked my eyes with his. Placing his hand on my chest. "Alright, try to follow me okay? Gently in and out." We continued sitting like this for a few minutes. Max tried to copy my breathing while my eyes stayed locked with his. When his breathing was finally back to normal I loosened my grip on his hands. 

Taking a seat next to Max I grabbed my phone holding it up so he could hear his sister. "He's back to normal, or breathing again," I explained. "Oh thank god, you scared us, Maxie." She whispered relieved. Still becoming of shock Max wasn't able to form any words. "I'll take it from here, I'll text you later alright?" I said. "Sure, take care of him." She said. "Always." With that, I ended the call. 

I turned all my focus to the boy sitting next to me. Still shaking, tears stopped falling down his face. "Hey, you alright?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked carefully. He shook his head. "That's alright, I'm here when you do want to talk," I said before wrapping my arms around his fragile figure. Pulling his head against my chest we sat in silence. My fingers carding through his messy hair. I could feel his body becoming limp against me. His breathing evened out and his eyes fell closed. 

I didn't stop the movement of my hand. I just stayed silent enjoying the feeling of having Max in my arms. I may never say it but he's a good cuddle buddy. It kept me awake that I still had no idea who got him to this state. I had a feeling but that didn't give me the needed answers. Deciding to go against better I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"Daniel, I'm busy..." Jos sighed on the other side of the line. 'I don't give a fuck if you're busy or not. I'm only saying this once. Max deserved a way better dad than someone like you. You don't care about him or his feelings. All you see is fame. So let me get this straight, I won't back up from being friends with Max only if he's the one asking me." I said sternly before ending our call. I trew my phone on the table in front of me. Letting out an annoyed sigh at the toughts that wouldnt leave me alone for a single second.

I would ask Max about his dad later this week, tommorow we were heading to Japan and I dont want his head all over the place. Or more messed up then it currently was. I knew the fact I was leaving the team had a big impact on him, more then he admitted it does. Leaning my head on top of Max' I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The feeling of comfort and warmth taking over once again.

Any thoughts to spare on the story so far?
- X

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