Chapter I

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The Clone Wars has ended. The Galactic Republic has been reorganized into the Galactic Empire under the rule of Emperor Palpatine. During this, the Jedi Order were hunted down and all but wiped out. As the newly formed Galactic Empire tightens it's grip on the Galaxy, Mandalorian Blake Belladonna had been in self imposed exile ever since her failed attempt to reclaim Mandalore several years ago. Now disillusioned, she turns to the only profession someone of her skills could take: bounty hunting. One day in a run down cantina located on a backwater Outer Rim world, many shady characters go about their business. Among those was a male Twi'lek who was speaking to the cantina owner.

Twi'lek: Listen, Kareena. I need a ship off planet. I know you at least know someone!

Kareena: Whatever you got yourself into, I want nothing to do with it, Viidu.

Viidu: You know I never ask for much, Kareena. All I'm asking for is a ship. I'll pay you once I get off world and somewhere safe.

Kareena: So whoever they send after you can trash my place looking for you? Not a chance! 

As Viidu continues to try and get Kareena to help him, Blake Belladonna enters the cantina. She received a few stares from people as she looked around the cantina. She quickly spots Viidu talking to Kareena. She slowly approaches the Twi'lek. 

Kareena: I already told you, Viidu. I can't help you. 

Viidu: Don't make me beg, Kareena. I just need a ship to get off planet. I'll pay whatever you want!

It didn't take long for Kareena to spot Blake approaching Viidu. She moves away from Viidu to serve some of the other guests. As she does that, Blake took a seat next to Viidu. The Twi'lek immediately became nervous. 

Viidu: Choowahai, stranger. That's Evocii native speak for "hello." A....a Mandalorian? Wow. I've heard stories about Mandalorians. Is that real Beskar armor? 

As Viidu said this, Blake remained silent. All Viidu could do was let out a nervous chuckle. 

Viidu: So uh....what can I do for you?

Without hesitation, Blake pulls out a device from her pocket and shows a holographic wanted poster of Viidu. Upon seeing this, Viidu fell silent.

Blake: You weren't hard to find, Viidu. Junior Xiong is paying me a lot of credits to find you. He don't appreciate his accountant stealing from him.

Viidu: L....look. I think there's been a misunderstanding. I've done good work for Junior over the years. 

Blake: Gambling away your boss's money is an odd way of repaying his kindness.

Viidu: Listen, just tell Junior that I'll have his money shortly. I just need some time. I just need a couple of days.....

Blake: Junior's paying me a lot of money to bring you to him. Now I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold. Your call. 

Blake then gestures to her blaster pistol. At that point, Viidu quickly realized that he wouldn't be able to convince Blake to let him go. 

Viidu: He'll kill me, you know. All over a misunderstanding. 

Blake: Not my problem. 

As Blake said this, Viidu's eyes darted across the room while Blake kept her eyes on Viidu. Without warning, Viidu pushes Blake on the ground and begins running away. Blake quickly recovers and fires a fiber wire at Viidu, wrapping his legs. Blake yanks the wire and trips Viidu. She then begins pulling Viidu close to her while he struggles to get free. 

Viidu: P...please! Don't do this! He'll kill me! He'll kill me!

As Viidu pleads for his life, Blake aimed her blaster pistol at Viidu. Viidu froze in place as he raised his hands. 

Viidu: I'll pay you whatever you want! You got a ship, don't you? I'll pay you! Whatever Junior's paying you, I'll double it! Just please let me go! You can tell Viidu I got away! Or that I got killed! He won't ask if there's no body! Just saying that I'm gone will more than be enough! He'll be none the wiser! 

As Viidu continued to plead for his life, Blake looked down on Viidu. In an act of desperation, Viidu pulls out a blaster pistol and shoots at Blake. Viidu lands several shots at Blake, but the blaster bolts bounce off her armor. Blake then aims her blaster pistol at Viidu and shoots him in the head, killing him. As Viidu was killed, Blake looked down on Viidu's lifeless body and holsters her pistol. She looks around at the bar and sees everyone staring at her. After a moment of uneasy silence, Blake walked over to Kareena and lays down several Credit Chips in the bar. 

Blake: For the mess.

As Blake said that, she grabbed Viidu's dead body and dragged him out of the cantina. After some time, Blake reaches her ship. As she loads Viidu's body into the cargo hold of her ship, her memory falls back to when Blake was first given her Mandalorian armor. 

Ghira: Blake Belladonna. Today is a proud day for our Clan. It is my greatest honor that I name you, Mandalorian. The armor that we wear is the foundation of the Mandalorian Way. By wearing this armor, you show the Galaxy your Mandalorian lineage.

Blake looked upon the armor with pride. The armor was made of pure Beskar and bore the emblem of House Belladonna. It's craftsmanship was beyond words.

Ghira: Strength is life, for the strong have the right to rule. Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead. Loyalty is life, for without one's clan one has no purpose. Death is life, one should die as they have lived. This is the code of honor that binds the Mandalorians. Without this creed, we are nothing. From this day forth until your final breath, you are Mandalorian. Rise, my daughter. Rise, a Mandalorian.

Blake then puts on the armor before all of Clan Belladonna. As Blake looks upon the helmet, she glances over to the smiling faces of her parents. She smiled upon her parents as she puts on the helmet.

Ghira: From this day on, you are a Mandalorian of Clan Belladonna. Let your armor know the glory of battle. We are one indomitable heart. We shall bear its weight together. Forged like the saber in the fires of death, we are Mandalorians. Stand.

Blake stood up, a newly knighted Mandalorian of Clan Belladonna. This was the proudest moment of her life. Back in the present, it seemed like a lifetime ago. With her hunt over, Blake departed from the planet to collect the bounty on Viidu. What she didn't know was that another bounty awaited her. 

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