Chapter V

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After crashing on Jabiim, Yang regained consciousness. She could hear the sound of heavy rain outside the ship. Yang looked at her wrists to see the binders still on her wrists. 

Yang: Damn....

Yang then glanced over to where Blake was. She saw the Mandalorian seemingly knocked out. Seeing an opportunity, Yang walked over to the cockpit and searched for the keys to her binders. As Yang was about to search Blake, the Mandalorian bounty hunter pulled her blaster pistol and aimed it at the fugitive Smuggler. 

Blake: Don't even think about it. 

Yang stood down as Blake got up. Blake then took a moment to inspect the ship. 

Yang: Looks like that crash did a real number on the ship.

Blake said nothing as she inspected the damage on the ship. When Blake did a diagnostic on the ship, Yang peaks at the results of the diagnostics. 

Yang: Looks like the White Fang's systems are fried. The biggest problem is the leaking Hyperdrive. 

Blake: I didn't ask for your input. 

Yang: Luckily for you, I'm pretty handy when it comes to starships. I could help you fix this ship. 

As Yang offered to help Blake fix the ship, the Mandalorian was hesitant about this. She was quick to dismiss Yang's offer. 

Blake: I'm no fool, Xiao Long. I know the moment I let you do anything to my ship, you'll try to escape the first chance you get. 

Yang: I guess you Mandalorians really are as stubborn as I've been led to believe. 

As Yang says this, the sound of thunder was heard nearby. Yang sighs in annoyance. 

Yang: Great. Now we've got a storm heading our way. Look, I know you're trying to cash that bounty on my head and I'd much rather not get delivered to Junior, but we need each other. 

Blake: I can fix the ship. You just stay put and don't try anything funny.

Yang: I don't think you're understanding the situation, Mando. Of all the planets we could have crashed, we picked one of the worst possible ones. Besides being one big mudball, Jabiim is in the midst of a bloody civil war. The way I see it, we need each other.

As Yang said this, shouting was heard. Blake and Yang looked out the window to see a group of armed Jabiimi Nationalists approaching the crashed ship. 

Jabiimi Nationalist Leader: If there are any survivors of this ship, step out now! 

Blake: I'll handle this. You stay here. 

Without warning, Yang tackles Blake. After a brief scuffle, Blake pushes Yang to the ground. 

Blake: If you try to run, I will put one in your leg. 

Yang said nothing as Blake walked out to confront the Jabiimi Nationalists. Yang smiled as she pulled out the keys to her cuffs. As Yang began to free herself, Blake confronted the Jabiimi Nationalists. She decided that mentioning her scuffle with the Empire was not the best idea. 

Blake: My ship was caught in up in a storm. I'll repair my ship and be on my way as soon as possible. 

There was silence among the Jabiimi Nationalists as they stared at Blake. Blake placed her hand on his blaster pistol, preparing for a fight. Soon enough, the leader spoke up. 

Jabiimi Nationalist Leader: You dare enter our world, Mandalorian?! 

Blake: I have no quarrel with you. I simply seek to repair my ship and leave. 

Jabiimi Nationalist Leader: Did you think we'd forget what your kind did to our planet during the Mandalorian Wars?! Jabiim will never forget how the Mandalorian scum descended upon our planet like a purging flame! And when we refused to bow to you, your kind tried to glass our planet!

It was clear to Blake that Mandalorians weren't welcome on Jabiim. As all of this happened, Yang freed herself from her binders. She then watched as Blake entered a standoff with the Jabiimi Nationalists. When the Jabiimi Nationalists readied their blasters, Blake pulled out her blaster pistol and started firing. During the intense firefight, Blake's Beskar armor protected her from the barrage of blaster fire. 


As the firefight intensified, Blake shot down several Jabiimi Nationalists. Yang watched as the Mandalorian stood her ground. 

Yang: (Looks like Mando's got this handled. Better get out of here before....)

Suddenly, a Jabiimi Nationalist ambushes Blake and knocks her to the ground. This allowed the other Jabiimi Nationalists to swarm her and attack her. Yang watched as all this transpired. She could easily run and leave Blake to die at the hands of the Jabiimi Nationalists. Despite this, Yang stayed. Meanwhile, Blake was overwhelmed by the Jabiimi Nationalists as they began to beat her. They removed her helmet as the Jabiimi Nationalist leader aimed his blaster pistol at Blake's head. 

Jabiimi Nationalist Leader: Mandalorian, for your crimes to Jabiim, we sentence you to death. Like the victims of your war on our planet, your corpse will be buried in the mud of Jabiim. 

In that moment, Blake was prepared to face her end. Suddenly, Yang fired upon the Jabiimi Nationalists. Seeing an opportunity, Blake grabs her blaster pistol and kills the remaining Jabiimi Nationalists. When the smoke cleared, Yang smirked. 

Yang: You can thank me later. How about we....

Before Yang could finish her sentence, Blake collapsed from her injuries. Yang then carries the unconscious Blake back to the ship. In that moment, Blake and Yang's path became intertwined. 

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