Chapter IX

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After being captured by the Jabiimi Nationalists, Blake woke up being dragged by two Jabiimi Natiionalists in an undisclosed location. The barely conscious Blake was thrown to the ground before someone. 

???: On your knees, Mandalorian.

Blake got up and looked at the man who appeared to be a high ranking member of the Jabiimi Nationalists. The two Jabiimi Nationalists saluted him. 

???: Do you know what I am, Mandalorian? 

Blake said nothing as she simply glared at him. He simply laughed. 

???: My name is Tarquin Stratus. My brother was Alto Stratus. When the Mandalorians invaded Jabiim during the Mandalorian Wars, it was our ancestor Ciaphras Stratus who pushed the Mandalorians back, killing hundreds of your kind. So imagine my face when I get reports of a Mandalorian here on Jabiim. 

Blake maintained her silence as Stratus taunted her. Meanwhile outside the base, Yang tracked Blake down. She surveyed the area and saw that the base was heavily guarded. 

Yang: Okay....this is gonna be tricky. Hang on, Mando. 

As Yang made a move on the base she saw several fuel tanks. Seeing an opportunity, Yang readied her blaster and aimed at the fuel tanks. Back in the base, Stratus had begun torturing Blake. Despite the torture that she was facing, not once did Blake scream. She fought through the pain much to Stratus's amusement. 

Stratus: You think your silence makes you strong, Mandalorian? You will scream soon enough. And when you do, all of Jabiim will know and judge you for your crimes.

Blake: Death is inevitable. Those who fool themselves into believing otherwise are only causing more pain in the future. The true purpose of life is to live in such a way that people will remember you long after you yourself have returned to dust. But when you die, who will remember you?

Stratus became enraged as he pulled out a sword and pressed it against throat. Even in the face of imminent death, Blake refused to give Stratus any kind of reaction. Suddenly, the building was rocked by an explosion. Without warning, Blake headbutts Stratus. When the two Jabiimi Nationalists moved to attack her, Blake grabbed one of their blasters and shot them dead. When she turned the blaster on Stratus, Stratus tackled her. 

Stratus: Mandalorian whore!

Stratus attempts to bring his sword down on Blake, but the Mandalorian was able to hold the sword back. It was at this point that Yang arrived. She rushed up to Stratus and pushed him off of Blake. 

Yang: C'mon, Mando! Let's get out of....

Blake looks to see Stratus pulling a blaster and aiming it at Yang. Without hesitation, Blake pushes Yang to the ground as Stratus fires his blaster, hitting Blake in the lower abdomen. 

Yang: Mando!

Yang pulls out her blaster pistol and hits Stratus, knocking him to the ground. She then grabs Blake as well as her armor and begins dragging her away. It wasn't long before alarms were raised. 

Stratus(Intercom): The Mandalorian is loose! I repeat, the Mandalorian is loose! Find her and kill her! 

As the guards began fanning out in search for Blake and Yang, Yang carried the wounded Blake across the base while navigating past the guards. Blake drifts in and out of consciousness as her life flashes before her eyes. 

Blake: Mother....father....

Yang: Stay with me, Blake! We're gonna get out of here!

As Yang said that, two guards came across them. Before the guards could react, Blake shot them down with her blaster pistol. 

Yang: Damn....

Yang quickly moved Blake away before more guards could arrive to investigate the shots. Blake once more saw a vision of life. Specifically, she saw a memory of her mother's dying words.

Kali(Past): When all else falls, it is our actions and our actions alone that will live on through the centuries. We Mandalorians strive above all else to be remembered. And to be remembered with is a rewarding end to a life. Stay strong, my daughter. Stay...strong.....

Blake: Be strong....

Yang: Hang in there, Blake! We're almost there! Just hold on for a little longer!

As Yang continued to carry Blake, the exit was near. However, the exit was crawling with guards, making it nearly impossible to escape without alerting the entire base.

Yang: Sithspit! There's no way we can get past the guards without bringing the entire base on our asses!

Blake glanced over to her Mandalorian armor. 

Blake: armor....

Blake then points to one of her gauntlets. She then hands Blake the gauntlet. Blake then aims her gauntlet towards a building away from the exit. 

Yang: I hope this works.....

Blake: Ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade!

Blake then fires a rocket at the building, doing considerable damage to it. This draws the guard away from the exit, allowing Yang to carry the wounded Blake out of the base. As they put some distance between themselves and the base, Blake becomes more and more delirious. 

Blake: K'oyacyi....k'oyacyi.....k'oyacyi

Yang: Don't die on me yet, Mando! We're almost back at the ship! We just need to keep moving!

Blake: Mando'ad draar digu.....

It was in that moment that Blake lost consciousness from her wounds. Knowing time was short, Yang picked up the pace and carried Blake back to the ship to treat her injuries. While Yang would do everything she can to patch Blake up, Blake found herself fighting for her life as the injuries she sustained from Stratus threatened to end her life. But like a true Mandalorian, Blake would not die easily. In fact, Blake would fight for her life. 

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