Chapter XII

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It had been weeks since Blake Belladonna took on the contract to find and bring Yang Xiao Long to Junior. At his palace in Nal Hutta, Junior waited for Blake to return. A part of him began to wonder if Yang had gotten the best of the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. As Junior was about to call another Bounty Hunter, Blake arrived with a bound Yang. The Hutt smiled as Blake approached him with Yang. 

Junior: Blake Belladonna! I was beginning to think that Blondie here might've gotten the best of you. 

Blake: There were....complications, but nothing I couldn't handle. 

Junior glanced over to the bound Yang with a smug look on his face. The Hutt approached Yang.

Junior: Yang Xiao Long. It's been a long time. 

Yang: Not long enough, you fat ugly worm!

Yang then proceeds to spit on Junior's face. The Hutt lets out a small chuckle as he wipes the spit off of his face. 

Junior: Did you really think that you would get away after stealing my cargo? Didn't your mother ever tell you never to cross a Hutt?

Yang: Guess I'm a slow learner. 

Junior: Well you're about to learn real fast about what happens when you cross me. And when I'm done with you, you're gonna wish you were never born.

Yang: I bet those people would've felt the same way had I smuggled them. Tell me, Junior. Who "bought" them? Was it the Exchange? Or the Pykes? Or was it Jabba asking for more slaves for his palace on Tatooine? 

Junior: The Exchange paid very....generously for those slaves. Had I known that you didn't have the stomach for it, I would've hired someone else to smuggle those slaves. But you cost me money. And you should be thanking me that I don't hand you over to the Exchange. After your little stunt, the Exchange wanted your head on a platter. It took a lot of Credits to convince them to let me 

Yang: More like you wanted me for yourself. I've got nothing more to say to you, Junior. I don't regret saving those people. And I'd do it all over again. 

As Yang said this, Blake observed this. It wasn't long before Junior turned his attention onto Blake. 

Junior: You've done a good job, Mando. This chest full of Credits is yours. 

Blake: Is what she's saying true? Were you having the smuggler transporting slaves?

Junior: Does it matter? A job's a job. You as a professional should know that when you go back on your word, there are consequences.

Blake: That's all I needed to hear. 

As Blake said this, she aimed her blaster pistol at Junior. Before the two enforcers next to Junior moved to attack, Yang sprang forward and shot down the two enforcers with her blaster pistols. This prompts the other enforcers to flee the building, not wanting to cross the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter. Junior was shocked by this. 

Junior: W...what?! What the hell are you doing, Belladonna?! We had a deal! 

Blake: Honor is what separates us from all the aruetiise of the Galaxy. It's our honor that binds us to one another as brothers and sisters, honor that keeps us true and calm in battle. It is honor alone that has led us to victory a thousand times, and it is honor that will lead us to victory a thousand times again. Our honor is what defines us, what guides us, what molds our lives into something beautiful and worthy of showing the Galaxy. And those without honor are dar'manda, lost souls, unworthy of living but too pathetic to die.

Junior: L....listen, maybe we can strike a deal. Whatever Xiao Long's paying you, I'll double it! Hell I'll triple the bounty if you turn your blaster on that bitch and kill her! 

Blake: This isn't about the Credits, Junior. It's about honor. Even the weakest person can stand up to tyranny. The bad guys only win when they fool others into believing that the privileged few somehow hold more power than the wrathful many.

Yang: You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this, Junior. 

Junior: You'll be hunted across every corner of the Galaxy! Do you hear me?! You just signed your own death sentence!

Blake: We'll take our chances. 

Without hesitation, Blake and Junior unloaded their blasters on Junior. As the Hutt was killed, Blake and Yang took a moment to gather their bearings. 

Blake: This won't go unnoticed. 

Yang: I don't think so. Junior wasn't exactly the most popular Hutt in the Galaxy. Word on the Holo is that most of the Hutt Cartel were eying Junior's setup. When word gets out that Junior's dead, they'll move to take over Junior's operation. But just to be safe, we should lay low. 

With that, Blake and Yang began making their way back to Blake's ship. When they started to approached Blake's ship, Yang stopped. 

Yang: Look....I just wanted to say thanks. 

Blake: Helping you was the most honorable thing to do. 

Yang: Since you're gonna need to lay low, I know a few places where we can just relax. If you'd want, I could....

Blake then grabbed onto Yang's hand.

Blake: I'd like that, Yang. 

With that, Blake and Yang boarded Blake's ship and departed from Nal Hutta. In that moment, the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter set out to start a new life with the Smuggler Yang Xiao Long. For the first time in a long time, Blake would finally know peace. 

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