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It's my first day going to work with Daddy and I'm so excited. I got up extra early so I would be ready and waiting to go.

"Toulouse, don't get any hair on my pants." I grumble to the orange fluff ball. He keeps trying to rub against my legs but I'm wearing my new pants that Mommy ironed for me last night. I don't want him to ruin them. "Come here." I walk to his food and fill his bowl. He meows loudly at me and starts stuffing his face. I get up on my toes to turn the sign to fed because Mommy says he lies about not being fed his breakfast.

I hear laughing upstairs and I smile into my coffee cup. I'm starting to get really comfortable around Isla and Henry. It makes staying out of headspace a real challenge sometimes. They spoil me and baby me and I want to let them, but have things I would like to do and experience and I have to stay out of headspace for that to happen. I'm so lost in my own thoughts, I don't even hear anyone walk into the room.

"Good morning, sugar. You didn't get in bed with us this morning?" Isla comes over, leaning down to kiss my forehead. Even without her heels on she's a lot taller than me.

"I woke up out of headspace and am trying to keep it that way." I smirk over my coffee cup as Isla's eyes drag over my body.

"You look beautiful." My cheeks flush and it's her turn to smirk. "Are you ready to do some lawyering today?"

"I won't even see the inside of a courtroom. And I'm not a lawyer." I point out. I have one year left and I have to pass the bar. Unless I decide to just become a paralegal.

"They would be lucky to have you." Isla steps into my space and wraps her arms around my waist.

"You're too nice to me." I smile at her, placing my cup down and wrapping my arms around her neck. She hums, leaning in and pressing her lips to mine. All of my first day nerves fall away as I lose myself in this kiss.

What a good distraction.

"There's my beautiful girls." Henry walks and I pull back from Isla. Her lips follow mine and I giggle. "Don't stop on my account." Henry winks at me before kissing my forehead. I don't see him to it, but I hear him slap Isla's ass and her hips jerk into mine. God it's been too long since I've gotten laid.

"Come on, Genny. We'll grab breakfast on the way." Henry picks up his brief case and puts some black coffee into his to-go mug. Yuck.

"Bye, sugar. Have a good day." Isla pecks my lips, walking with me to the door to the garage. "Bye, babe." She leans over to kiss Henry and then we both get in his car. Isla waves as we back out onto the street and we both wave back.

"Are you excited?" Henry asks as we make our way to his office.

"Nervous." I mumble as I chew my lip. It's my number one nervous habit.

"Don't be nervous. You'll do amazing." He takes my hand and holds it in my lap. I've never really been one for hand holding. It always felt forced before. Like they were forcing their touch or affection on me, but with Henry and Isla it's never been that way. It's really nice.

Our drive is quiet, but still comfortable. I needed this time to calm down and I think Henry knew. He holds my hand until we get out of the car when it's time to be professional, and I'm a little upset but I understand that he's married and people don't know about me. That would be really bad. Imagine if they told Mommy that Daddy was cheating because they didn't know?

Henry introduces me to everyone I'll need to know and I'm not going to lie; I forget they're names instantly. There is so many people but I try to pay extra attention when I get introduced to the other paralegals. They're all in the lunchroom, and Henry gets our breakfast and tells me to find his office after I get to know them a bit. They are all young like me and seem nice. They don't work for one specific lawyer but they have their favourites; you can tell. Josh's favourite is Henry's friend Kate, and Dominique's favourite is Ryan. Marissa stares at me and I try to play it off like I don't notice but I definitely notice. I don't know what I did until she leaves the break room and another paralegal; Dylan, starts to whisper to me.

"You haven't done anything wrong. Marissa's a bitch, and you crushed her dreams." She laughs and I'm still confused.

"Crushed her dreams?" 

"She is the paralegal that always clerks for Henry. If you ask me, she has a huge hard on for him and she sees you as competition." Dylan finishes her scone and picks up her coffee.

"He's married." I hiss with my jaw dropped.

"Oh, we all know. We met Isla at the last work party. She's super sweet and they are definitely in love. When has that ever stopped a hoe?" Dylan links her arm with mine and starts to lead me to Henry's office.

"That's awful." I mumble and chew my lip. I don't know how to feel. I want to fit in here and I want everyone to like me for more than being in a relationship with one of the bosses. Will they treat me different if they know?

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. He doesn't strike me as a cheater so." She shrugs her shoulders as we make it to a corner office. When we look through the glass wall and closed glass door, we see Henry sitting at his desk with a stern look on his face and Marissa standing in front of his desk. Her body language is stiff but I can't see her face to see if she's upset about something but I can guess.

"She's mad because Henry said he only needs you for the foreseeable future. That pissed off the princess obviously." Dylan rolls her eyes, "If you need any help, give me a shout. I usually hangout it the file room down the hall." She points and I make sure to remember that.

"Thank you. And thank you for showing me to Henry's office."

"No worries, Genevieve." She walks quickly down the hall and turns into what I'm assuming is the file room. I turn back and wonder if I should knock. I'm not left wondering long before Marissa comes storming out, glaring at me the whole way.

Off to a good start.

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