The First Avenger Part 2

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I have become like the Pharisees with their hypocrisy which knows no bounds. 

On that note, I hate when these stories add more characters once it's already started, but I need Scott and Quill, so... whatever, I guess. They're hard to write for because they're both very vocal characters so I had wanted to exclude them but I can't because they have title films. Yesterday I was a child who did not know the ways of the world, now I am grown and I understand so much more. 

Sorry it's like two days late, but I know you've had worse, so... I'm actually feeling pretty consistent. Peter Quill is going to be Quill because there's already a Peter. 

Strange sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. He hadn't wanted to do this. He wasn't sure he could stand to be in a confined room with them for hours, but they both played instrumental parts in defeating Thanos, so... fuck it. He waved his hand and portals opened up underneath both of them, Scott from 2024, and Quill from 2014.

A few people jumped, and they all turned to look as the pair landed on the floor with two resounding thumps. Strange grabbed the remote and stopped the video. 

"...the hell..." Scott muttered, getting unsteadily to his feet. 

Quill sat up and looked around. "I knew I shouldn't have eaten that thing before I knew what it was. In my defence I thought it would be toxic, not a hallucinogen." 

Strange stifled another sigh. This was going to be a long several hours. He waved a hand to get everyone's attention. "I brought them here because they play important roles in certain events, however... improbable that may seem." He explained to them what they were doing, and portalled in two more chairs at the end next to Carol and T'Challa. 

The scene changed to a laboratory in Germany.

SCHMIDT: Are you ready, Dr. Zola?
Zola looked through a magnifying glass.
ZOLA: My machine requires the most delicate calibration. Forgive me if I seem over-cautious.

Bucky felt the wind knocked out of him, and his breath caught.


That face that had prodded at him like some sort of lab rat. The face that meant pain and the Soldier and forgetting no matter how hard he tried—

He felt a pressure on his knee, pulling him out of the spiral that his mind was going into. He looked down and saw Steve's hand on his leg, grounding him to the present.

He looked up at Steve's face, and Steve didn't recognize the look in his eyes.

He looked afraid, and lost, and broken, everything Steve had never seen him be. Bucky had always been the strong one, and all it took was one look at that man's face for him to freak out like this.

Tony had paused the video as soon as he heard the slight uptick in Barnes' breathing, something he had become familiar with over the years.

Bucky looked at the ground, and Steve kept his hand on his knee.

"Do you want to—"

"Shut up."


Bucky shook himself. "Sorry," he said. "Not a fan of Zola."

Tony pushed play, and the video kept rolling. If he didn't want to talk, they wouldn't talk. 

SCHMIDT: Are you certain that those conductors of yours can withstand the energy surge long enough for transference?
Schmidt put down a picture from mythology that he had been looking at.

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