Harry Styles

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You and Harry have been together for almost a year and things have been going really well. He's been on tour for the last two months, but his break is coming up soon and he's coming home to see you. So as you're listening to your music you phone starts to ring and you answer.
"Hey babe, what's up?"
"Hi Harry! Um nothing really, I've just been listening to some music. How's tour?"
"It's great! We've just been chilling in Niall's room for the last few hours."
"Oh that's fun haha!"
"Yeah, so listen I called you because I need to tell you that I won't be coming home for another month. Management wants us to film a new music video here."
"Oh. Um that's okay, I'll see you after you're done that though right?"
"Yeah, unless management wants us to do something else."
"Okay well that's fine I guess."
"Well I gotta go now babe. We need to get to sound check. Bye, love you."
"Love you too."
You hang up and couldn't be more upset. It feels like you haven't seen Harry, or any of the boys forever. You were so excited to see him too but you'll just have to wait a little longer.

-A month later-

Harry's coming home today! You're going to pick him up from the airport and then you're going out for dinner since it's your one year anniversary.

-At the airport-

You're waiting for Harry, and then all of a sudden all these girls start screaming. You get excited because you know it has to be Harry and the boys. The screams get louder and then you see him. You stay where you are though, you don't wanna get lost in that crowd. A minute or so passes and then Harry sees you standing by the chairs. He makes his way through the crowd of girls and makes his way over to you. You run to him and hug each other and stay like that for a minute.
"Happy Anniversary babe."
"Happy Anniversary Harry."
You both say as you're still hugging. You let go of each other and kiss. Some girls that are still around scream and whistle causing you to laugh and break away from the kiss.
"Let's go home so I can change and go out for dinner."
So you and Harry leave the airport to go home and get ready for dinner.

-At the restaurant-

You and Harry are half way through your meal just talking and laughing about some stories Harry has about the boys and tour.
"-and then Louis completely fell over!" Harry laughed as he told the story he considered the funniest.
"Oh my god! That's hilarious! Was he okay though?"
"Oh yeah! He landed on the ground and broke out into a fit of laughter!"
You two continued talking without any interruptions which was nice for a change, because usually at least one person comes and asks Harry for a picture, you don't mind though, you think it's adorable. But tonight felt kind of weird. You didn't know what it was, but you could tell something was up.
"Um, babe, can we talk about something serious for a second?"
"Sure Harry, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, just, um, let me say what I need to say right now."
"Um alright."
You were kind of nervous because you didn't know what Harry wanted to talk to you about, he just got back, what could've happened?
"I wanna start off with telling you how much I love you. You mean so much to me and I honestly don't know what I'd do without you anymore. You make me a better person, you're my other half and I love you so much. Everyday we've spent together I fall in love with you more and more, more than I thought possible. And there's no one else I'd want to spend the rest of my life with."
You know what's happening now and tears fill your eyes as Harry comes to your side of the table and gets down on one knee.
"I love you so much, babe. Will you marry me?"
He takes out a ring and looks you in the eyes. There are now tears steaming down your face because of you happy you are. So you respond and tell him,
"Yes, yes Harry! I love you so much!"
He moves closer to you, places the ring on you and kisses you. The whole restaurant cheers and you see the rest of the boys and both of your families come from tables around you both. They all congratulate you both and tell them how happy they are for the two of you.
This is exactly what you've always wanted. You love Harry so much and can't imagine your life with anyone else. You're so happy that you'll be marrying Harry.


Oh my god hi, this is probably so bad I'm so sorry, I haven't written an imagine forever, and that was only on my Instagram haha. I'll try to get better at these I promise. I hope you liked it! I know the beginning was kinda boring sorry.
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