Louis Tomlinson

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Louis' POV

Oh my god I'm so scared. I'm proposing to my girlfriend of 2 and a half years in a few days and I think she's on to me. Or maybe she's not, I don't know. But I just really hope she doesn't find out. The lads have been helping me plan something, it's not a huge proposal, but I know it'll mean a lot to her. I hope it goes well.

Your POV

Louis has been acting really weird lately. Almost like he's avoiding being around me. Of course the worst thing came to mind, he's gonna break up with me. But why would he plan a break up? It doesn't make sense, I just hope nothing bad has happened, or is going to happen. I would like to think he's the one. I mean we've been together for over 2 years, I hope he wouldn't just throw that all away. I wouldn't know what to do.

-3 Days Later-

Louis' POV

Today is the day, and I couldn't be more scared. I mean, what if she's not ready? What if she says no? I would be absolutely heart-broken. Oh she's coming downstairs. Probably to ask me about where we're going and what to wear.
"Yeah babe?"
"What do I have to wear tonight?"
Ah, what did I say!
"Just a casual dress."
She questions me, "Why? Where are we going?"
Well obviously I can't tell her so I say, "No need to worry, love. It's just a nice night out."
"UGH! Okay, I'll go change. What time do we go?"
"Probably 45 minutes to an hour."
She says okay and walks back up the stairs to get ready. Oh I hope tonight goes well.

-At the date-

"Oh my god Louis! Why are we at the park?"
"Do you not remember this place? This is where we first told each other 'I love you'." Oh god, I hope she remembers.
"Well obviously I remember! But why are we here?"
"I just thought we'd come back here ya know. We haven't come for almost a year."
She goes on about the last times we were here, and then we end up remembering old stories and laughing at ourselves. And all of a sudden an hour and a half went by, I guess the time is up, here goes nothing.
"Um uh babe?"
"I'm gonna tell you the real reason why we're here tonight, okay?"
"Okay..but Louis you're kinda scaring me..."
"Nothing to be scared of love, don't worry." Okay here goes the last 2 and a half years, I hope it's worth it.
"So, I brought you here tonight to show you where our love started, and how much it has grown since the first time we said 'I love you'. And since this is such a special place I thought I'd tell you something else here to. You're the one thing I can't live without, and I don't know what I did before I had you. You make me a better man, you make me so happy, and we both love each other so much, and I think that's the most important thing here. And I would like it to be that way for the rest of our lives."
She knows where I'm going now and has tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. I get the ring out of my pocket and ask her the most important thing we've talked about tonight.
"I love you so much, and I can't imagine my life with anyone else. So, darling, will you do me the honour and become my wife?"
By now the tears are slowly coming down her face, but she still has that amazing smile on her face. She looks at me then the ring, then me again, like the answer is obvious. She smiles widely at me nodding and comes to hug me and says, "Yes Louis, of course I'll be your wife!"
She stops hugging me and I put the ring on her and share a kiss.
"Best day of my life."
She laughs at me and kisses me again.
It really is the best day I've had.


Hiii! This is probably so bad, I'm so sorry. I'm pretty sure all I've done is proposals, but they're so cute! But I promise the next one won't be a proposal haha!
I hope you enjoyed!
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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